[hider] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/V0PfTH4.png[/img][/center] There are two kinds of abilities, basic and development. Basic abilities are your given scores in the categories of Power, Endurance, Dexterity, Agility, and Magic. Each one is shown with a rank and a number from 0-999. 0-99 is I, 100-199 is H, 200-299 is G, 300-399 is F, 400-499 is E, 500-599 is D, 600-699 is C, 700-799 is B, 800-899 is A, and 900-999 is S. It gets progressively harder to gain points. Inactivity or major injuries may cause a decrease in your skills but with the availability of healing magic, it will be quite rare. Your starting Basic Abilities score(Stats) will be determined by your race and the type of weapon you will be focusing on. Those wishing to cast spells will have a high Magic score than someone who wants to wield an axe. The Spirit race has a natural higher magic skill than a dwarf is just one example. The values will equal a starting total of 100. Development abilites are specialized characteristics that have a chance of developing after an adventurer has achieved level two. Like basic abilities, development abilities are also categorized from I to S; however, they are much harder to train. They consist of aspects such as poison reistance, increasing swimming speed, or allowing special qualities to be added to crafted weapons and many more. Levels can only be earned after an adventurer has earned rank "D" in one of their basic abilities. Once an adventurer has achieved that, they must perform a feat that would impress even the gods. Every time an adventurer levels up, their basic abilities drop to 10 with the points they earned before leveling up serving as a base. That means that a level 3's I rank scores will be much better than a level 1's I rank scores for example. Skills can appear at any time regardless of the level of the adventurer. Obtaining a skill is believed to be quite rare, and having one unique to the individual is thought to be even rarer. Skills that have an "Active Trigger" require the user to purposefully activate them before use. [/hider] [h1][color=fff79a]Combat[/color][/h1] [hider] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/YnXBtWa.png[/img][/center] While moving through the dungeon or another area where there is monsters, playing will make posts detailing where they are going and where they want to go. Players will have a chance to react 95% of the time when encountering monsters before they attack. Once engaged, a turn-based system will be used where Players have 3 actions they can preform such as attacking, casting a spell, or using an item. Strength is the primary attribute for physical attacks and Magic is the primary attribute for magical attacks. Dexterity is the attribute determines how well you can handle your weapon and how quickly you can strike. Agility is responsible for your movement speed and dodging attacks. Endurance reflects how much damage you can take before succumbing to your injuries. Players who keep casting spells after their mana is depleted will suffer a condition called "Mind Down" in which they pass out and are extremely vulnerable to attacks as their mana recharges. Similarly, should a player's HP drop to 0 it does not mean they are immediately dead in most cases. They will instead be critically injured and in need of immediate healing. [h3]Magic[/h3] There are two different types of magic, congenital magic and acquired magic. Congenital magic is based on one's own ability and race whereas acquired magic is based on the blessing given by the God or Goddess. Most spells that are learned also increased in level as the adventurer get stronger and goes up in levels. Magic is normally cast by saying chants but magic with the special attribute 'Swift Strike' can be cast simply by saying the spell's name aloud. [/hider] [h1][color=fff79a]Notable Characters[/color][/h1] [hider] [h3]Feron(Elf), Familia: Athena, Title: Fell Wind[/h3] [img]https://i.imgur.com/ikce4xk.jpg[/img] One of the strongest Adventurers in the Athena Familia and perhaps all of Rezion, Feron is capable of soloing the first few floor bosses by himself but does not the lead the familia's adventurers when in a party. A small following has formed around his exploits. He is one of their older members and is often tasked with keeping order in the Familia. [h3]Priscilla(Human), Familia: Anubis, Title: White Witch[/h3] [img]https://em.wattpad.com/ecf80618d1a801557af594988cba628272b95b47/687474703a2f2f696d672d63616368652e63646e2e676169616f6e6c696e652e636f6d2f33363963343961346330373637363934363038663965363435333362353262312f687474703a2f2f693535332e70686f746f6275636b65742e636f6d2f616c62756d732f6a6a3336342f4c69676874416e67656c65732f536e6f772f77686974655f6861697265645f616e696d655f6769726c5f62795f657665726d6f7265647261676f6e2d6434696f7773312e6a7067?s=fit&h=360&w=360&q=80[/img] Priscilla was born blind but is currently one of the strongest adventurers in Rezion thanks to a skill that allows her sense the energy of living things, both people and monsters. Her other senses are incredibly heightened as well, making up for her lack of sight. She got so accustomed to living with blindness that most do not realize she is blind. She uses a large scythe to compensate for her lack to perform precision strikes, relying on the large arc of her weapon to land definite hits. Adventurers outside of the Anubis familia tend to call her the 'Winter Maiden'. [h3]Amrec(Dwarf), Familia: Kagu-Tsuchi, Title: Red Tornado[/h3] [img]https://img.fireden.net/tg/image/1453/87/1453873718328.jpg[/img] Amrec is one of the 2-rank adventurers that make up the majority of his Familia's ranks and is an aspiring blacksmith. Jolly and Warm-hearted, he is often in charge of looking after rookie adventurers and showing them the ropes. Despite telling his underlings to be cautious, Amrec is one of the first to dive head-first into a crowd of monsters with two bearded axes in his hands. [h3]Misha(Werewolf), Familia: Poseidon, Title: None[/h3] [img]http://pm1.narvii.com/6566/7a253c712ffaedfb3218a21f02b133e2ab01f9d2_00.jpg[/img] A level-one rookie adventurer, Misha is an little ball of concentrated energy. She can be quite an air-head at times and usually has a care-free, if not spontaneous, personality but is willing to get serious when she or others are in danger. Misha uses a spear with a combinations of kicks. *More will come [/hider]