Hotaru smirked a bit at his reasoning for not getting the cat mask and nodded when he explained why he got two masks. She was surprised to hear that Alari had sealed Zenmaru but she had to appreciate the lack of snide comments she was sure would keep Larel from actually enjoying himself. She could understand that having fun felt foreign but something in her really wanted to give him the real chance to enjoy himself, though she herself hadn't gotten the chance to do it growing up. She followed him as he picked their next game and put her hand to her chin as the vendor mixed up the cups, following his hands as he did, figuring he would end up having her go next. Sure it was cheating just a little bit to have some idea of where the cups were when the vendor finished but then she got the feeling that she didn't want to resort to cheating to have to win. She reached over and really quickly mixed them up some more, "Sorry, knew where it was," she waved off the confused vendor before tapping her chin and picking up the middle one. She pouted a bit that it wasn't there, almost wishing then she hadn't mixed them up but she grinned when she found it under the next one, "Ha ha! Success!" she beamed, clapping her hands together before getting her prize, "Since we both got a prize, does it count as a tie, or do I get it since I found it before you did?" she looked at Larel, tilting her head, the beads on her hair decor jingling lightly, "All I know is my hands are getting a little full and unlike these nic naks, I can't stick this little guy in my bag...." She looked at the gold fish in the jar before looking around, "I'm going to keep an eye out for some kid that deserves a fish," she smirked and nodded as she looked back to him, before that feeling hit her again and she caught his arm, "Food," she pulled him towards another stand, paying for their food, "Hope you like fish, pretty sure this has octopus in the middle," She looked at one of the balls in her hands before taking a bite, "This keeps away the urges though, so if you're not going to eat them, I will," She said before looking around, "One more game to settle the score? And you pick cause I picked the first two," she took another bite, finding she could appreciate the flavors as they were put together. Cause there would be no way she would eat Octopus on its own. Mera stiffened as he caught her doing it and stepped away, "No, don't do that," She said shortly, "It's not necessary," she cleared her throat, "Though you have proven you are apparently naive in that area as I am and have about zero tact," she mumbled before motioning forward, "Let's get this over with, yea? You said your big plan was this thing with the fireworks, let's see if you can.... if you can earn it," she said, looking at him, blushing a little bit at the idea of intimately embracing someone. She cleared her throat again as she felt her stomach erupt in to that feeling as she turned to head towards the street, blinking as she saw a butterfly before her face deadpanned as she looked around. [i]'Butterflies, thank you for explaining, Eryn'[/i] she knew he had more than likely given Mary one of the butterflies he kept in containers in his home to give her the clue. Her "phenomena" was butterflies, "How ridiculous," she rubbed her forehead before starting forward around the butterfly to the street, "Unless you have some other plan, Alari, we should get on with it before there's nothing left to do. I'm sure the vendors don't plan on going to whole night if they have people they want to watch the fireworks with as well," she said as she glanced back at him, "Or are you going to add some other stipulation to be able to maybe in the end get these off? I still have to put it all out there for you, but I imagine you rather enjoy trying to drag it out, don't you?" she mused, tilting her head at him as she held her arms out to show the cuffs again