[Center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180513/5ef5b8f32a843a2a76c1b0aa903ab393.png[/img] [Sub].:⋮Reduce, Reuse, Recycle⋮:.[/Sub] [/center] [@Ariamis][@Majoras End] There was a moment of stillness from Penny as she waited to make sure that Sirkkeli was really dead. The confirmation came from the vanishing of the gunk that covered her at which point her hands fell to the ground with as she released a shudder at the sensation of the burning suddenly vanishing. [color=9e0039][u][b]“That we did, thanks for the help”[/b][/u][/color] Penny would reply as she stooped down to recover his detached appendages her additional armaments receding as she did so. [color=9e0039][u][b]“I’m Penny”[/b][/u][/color] The Beacon-borg supplied as she looked closer at her now deceased foe. [color=9e0039][u][b]“And I think she was my replacement.”[/b][/u][/color] She would answer the question posed to her [color=9e0039][u][b]“Either that or my contemporary from a different planet or something”[/b][/u][/color] she went on as she considered what to do next. Her mana was low, but that wasn’t too terrible a situation to be in and her Regeneration was already working on correcting that. Still there was another option open to her, Penny was just debating the moral implications of it [color=9e0039][u][b]“She’s was a follower of my previous Patron. A God of destruction, pretty sure he’s pissed that I slipped his chains. Not sure if she chose to find me or was ordered to do such however”[/b][/u][/color] She went on, before, with a mental shrug, she started to tear the junked bot in front of her into smaller pieces. Despite the destructive, possibly sacrilegious, act it was obvious that Penny was examining each part she tore off in detail building her own mental blueprint of how the alien insectiod worked. After she was done with her examinations she would then pop the piece of scrap into her mouth and eat it, drawing sustenance from the metal and speeding along her. It also increased her understanding how Sirkkeli was constructed, giving the Purified Monster girl an in depth look into the composition and magical latticework that comprised how to alien girl worked. [color=9e0039][u][b]“I kinda hope this was a onetime thing, but I wouldn’t be too surprise if it isn’t”[/b][/u][/color] Penny didn’t seem to be very concerned with her apparent cannibalism. As to her she wasn’t defiling the core of who Sirkkeli was, that was housed in the soul, and at this point what was left would be picked for scrap by someone eventually so might as well take care of it now. [color=9e0039][u][b]“What brings you too Penrose, if you don’t mind me asking?”[/b][/u][/color] [hr] [Center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180715/d80bb0fbb433935c1613207a0d09ae3f.png[/img] [Sub] -=Ǝ Once more, from the Top E=- [/Sub] [/center] [@Ariamis][@Flamelord][@Crusader Lord] Aurelio would throw his arm around Serenity’s shoulders to give her a slight shake after she caught up to them [color=fff79a]“Forget you? Never gonna happen”[/color] He would reply jovially still riding the Joy from the outcome of the trial. Beacon under Alicia was going to be fantastic, he could tell. Sadly they still had the Ascendancy to worry about, but hey one thing at a time. Walking back into the Hall the young magician had to work to keep the ‘I told you so’ out of his smile which was actually made easier by the fact that only one of them seemed to still be holding a grudge. And he still didn’t understand where Rachel was coming from, but perhaps it was something that they would always disagree on. Still no reason not to try and extend an olive branch [color=fff79a]“I told you I would help, Rachel”[/color] Aurelio would say earnestly as the girl walked away [color=fff79a]“I intend to keep my word on that.”[/color] With that he would reach into his jacket pocket and retrieve the bracelet he had been given by her only a short time ago. [color=fff79a]“I can’t promise that I will always have it on”[/color] He would add as he slipped it on [color=fff79a]“But while I’m actively working on your request I’ll be sure that you can hear me”[/color] He would then turn to his companions to actually fill them in [color=fff79a]“What she's means is that before the trial I was informed that there is a Dark magical girl out there going by the name of “Vi-Chan” she’s setting up a ‘rave’”[/color] He would say using air quotes [color=fff79a]“ And that she has invited any and all of the darker persuasion to show up, even let the normal magicals know they can show if they want so long as they don’t start trouble. However the thing is she threatened Beacon, by name, twice. With her ending threat making it seem like she has something planned that will be kicking off soon.”[/color] Aurelio was a glad that there had been a bit of time between showing up to the trial and it starting. It had given him a chance to actually find a mirror of the video the Vi-chan had sent out, and now that he had seen it he had to agree that Rachel was likely correct about it being the beginnings of something bad. It was one of the reasons he was so willing to put on the tracking device right now. [color=fff79a]“Unsurprisingly, Elvira didn’t actually say where this gathering is to be taking place just stated that those in the know already knew. I was going to try and find some information about that now that the trial is over with. Possibly meet up with Penny as she might know something due to her status before joining Beacon”[/color] He would explain with a shrug, it wasn’t much of a plan true, but at the same time he hadn’t been working on it for very long due to having more important things on his mind. [color=fff79a]"You are welcome to tag along if you want"[/color] He would offer [color=fff79a]"I can also delay heading out if you need me fore something else"[/color]