[center][img]http://rp.alexarnold.ca/shir/shir_p.png[/img][/center] "I am Shir Anders, summoner of shadows and Four of Wands." Shir shrugged as Roan left. He hadn't been terribly interested in a game with him or in taking on a quest. She eyed the cards on the table. "Tarot?" Shir tapped her finger on the table. "And a Ithillin styled deck, isn't it more common to play with three? We use a slightly different set of rules and even a different deck in Thaln. You may have me at a disadvantage." Shir picked up her hand and examined the cards. She rearranged them slightly. "Have you two found any of the posted requests to be to your liking?" [@Raineh Daze]