[hr][hr][center][h1][color=Purple]Waverley Watts - Feedback[/color][/h1][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/bf145d0a6666d89ccd906998d5485178/tumblr_pzgkamIH7y1y6r9a6o1_540.gifv[/img][hr] [color=Purple][b]Location:[/b][/color] Mutant Underground HQ, Delinquent Staircase [color=Purple][b]Skills: [/b][/color]Pop Culture Knowledge (Failed)[/center][hr][hr] The way that Sunshine spoke to Glimpse gave Waverley pause. It sounded like the younger girl was teasing her about growing up wealthy, which struck her as odd. An underground bunker with a mutant vigilante group wasn't exactly somewhere you'd expect the rich and famous to be found. Waverley's eyes turned to slits as she looked closer at the blonde woman, who was at this point walking away from them. She tried to place the woman in her mind, scanning her mental directory of heiresses that ended up on the covers of magazines. But she couldn't place it. After a few seconds, she stopped, accepting that she was probably just the daughter of some successful stock broker or something similarly out of the spotlight. She smirked at Negasonic's remark, still not entirely used to the codename, but gradually getting there. She was about to respond, when Vulcan exiting the dining room caught her attention. It wasn't hard to work out what they were discussing: what to do with their unwanted guest. Her eyes flicked over to Blink as she made her suggestion, a frown of uncertainty adorning her lips. [color=purple]"I mean...That's just a temporary solution. We'll have to deal with him again at some point. What if the next batch of kids he laser beams doesn't make it?"[/color] She pointed out, her eyes dropping to the ground for a moment as she hesitated. [color=purple]"Couldn't we just turn him in?"[/color] her suggestion was presented warily, not sounding entirely sure of her own words. She wasn't exactly an advocate for the system - her videos were tangible evidence of how broken the system could be. But she wasn't sure what else they could do. They weren't fit to keep him there, and teleporting him somewhere else would put people in danger, including their future selves. Her eyes then changed position again as Casper began to freak out, her gaze turning to him. [color=purple]"Hey, what's...what's his deal?"[/color] she asked, her voice low, in almost a whisper, so that only those on or closest to the stairs could hear. [color=purple]"In the van, I heard him mention something about ghosts. Is that someone's codename, or is he just...not all there?"[/color] She struggled for a moment to figure out a polite way to say 'out of his fucking mind,' which was what first came to mind, but she managed.