[center][color=0072bc]Blazermate[/color] Level 6 - (4/60) EXP +2 -4 (Used Friend Heart) Location: The tower Word Count: 810 [/center] A bit of respite from the zombie horde chasing the group was welcomed. The survivors cleared out taking the teleporter and the last of her group, mostly daxter, made their way to relative 'safety'. It was a good thing Donnie could cleanse everyone of their disease before they went to the land of adventure, otherwise there could potentially be a second Dead Zone, which wouldn't be good at all. It was kind of nice having a moment to relax, even though Blazermate didn't need to rest, it was still nice not being in constant danger and the others seemed to think the same. Heck, Daxter, being one of the last to make their way to this tower, just flopped down on the floor exhausted. And knowing that the Land of Adventure was just a teleport away helped with people relaxing. Sure some survivors, or rather, one, didn't wanna take it in case they broke it, but that was fine. This area looked safe enough, and it sounded like Doom Guy outside was keeping things at bay. Still, even if this was a place for repsite, a medic's job was never done and people still needed healing. Most of all Ms. Fortune, who had found her own way here. She wasn't in a good shape, although Blazermate's healing didn't work super well on her for some reason. And that reason became obvious very quickly as Fortune relaxed a bit too much and just... fell to pieces! [color=0072bc]"I thought she kind of looked like a zombie, but I wasn't going to say anything."[/color] Blazermate said, poking one of Fortune's legs out of curiosity. She wasn't hurt by falling to pieces, but this explained why she wasn't as affected by Blazermate's healing she figured. Due to her combination of refusal to rest, being strewed about the room, and just being tired, Ms. Fortune couldn't really say much as Nero collected all of her body parts with a vacuum before putting them in a bag and sending her through the teleporter before going through himself. As the amount of people in the room got smaller and smaller, Blazermate looked around to examine it a bit more. She had seen the things in the tubes that were around the room, but was a bit too preoccupied to get a closer look at them. They didn't look like statues at all, but were people, or aliens, or bugs, in tubes put on display? Blazermate couldn't see their vitals while they were in stasis, so she didn't really notice them on the way in. [color=0072bc]"Hey guys, think they're still alive? If we have to deal with things that are, or worse, than that horde later on, we could probably use more friends."[/color] Blazermate said, smashing the tubes of the four things in stasis. She moved up to the tank with the ornate insect lady in it and smashed it. Like Blazermate thought, once they were out of stasis, she could actually see their vitals and if the others were like, or worse, than this lady, then these people were in some serious trouble. When Blazermate approached Sectonia, she opened her eyes, awakening from her stasis brought coma not in the best of shapes. Looking around, Sectonia saw Daxter, a living tree monster not too dissimilar from some of the monsters outside, and Blazermate, with her demonic arm to her side, the tongue retreating back into the shield as she had used it to smash open the tank. Before Blazermate got a chance to begin healing the queen bee, she got up and attacked. She was pretty injured, so her attacks were slow and weak, Blazermate getting knocked down as she was barely able to bring the suffering arm shield up in time to block a sword strike. Seeing her enemy fall to the ground, Sectonia flew towards the down Daxter, ready to stab him as well. Blazermate debated a bit internally. On one hand, this could be a new part, on the other, considering who this bee lady was attacking, they must've had quite a hard time here and they needed all the help they could get. Deciding that the help greatly outweighted what Blazermate figured would be a flying part anyway, Blazermate shot a friend heart out of her healing hand at Sectonia, causing the bee queen to fall back to the ground in a daze, her frame falling a bit haphazardly over the downed Daxter. [color=0072bc]"So uh... hope that sedates this one so she'll calm down. Guys, careful when opening these pods. I kind of forgot how much of a hell hole this place is and what these guys must've suffered through. This one was on death's door as it was."[/color] Blazermate said, healing the queen bee a bit, but only enough to bring her to a less injured state, instead of being on death's door.