[hider=][@Lady Selune][/hider] [hr][hr] [h2][center]Siobhan[/center][/h2] "The sound? Oh, hm, yes. Some years ago, a group of bizarre occultists went around France making windchimes. I'm not sure what, precisely, they were trying to achieve - or indeed if they were able to achieve it at all - but it left the places they were working with [i]very[/i] Blue." Niko finished his ascent, coming out onto a landing of dry hardwood and moving into a corridor leading further back into the house. "As for where precisely you are being taken, I don't know the final destination - for purposes of security, you must understand." Ana spoke up. "The first jump will take us to America. Then there will be some journey away from the exit site, then another, similar jump will take us somewhere else. I can't say where." said Ana, glancing at Niko. "Mm." Niko added, a smile growing on his face as they came to another staircase at the rear of the old home, and he began to ascend it. The house creaked around them. The faint ringing of glass upon glass became clearer, sharper, more eager. On the walls, mould and moss grew in florid patterns. Like outstretched hands.