Vekyzz' state could probably best be described as 'silently unhappy'. An unconscious Karlus in front of him, an abysmal abundance of sewage below him and more mages around him and it felt as if all of these things were just waiting for an opportunity to haunt him. This mission had gone completely out of control and part of him was even willing to just let it go and not to try and regain it. But what would the company say then ? They probably would already be quite unhappy when listening to his report so far. Once more it dawned upon the tiefling that he'd need a damn good line of defense when it came to this... The horned man had sat down in a cross-legged fashion close to the rear end of the large boat, a position that would grant him a bit of an advance warning time for whatever would raise its ugly head in front of them. However it could not protect him against [i]the stench[/i]... This just didn't feel like [i]ordinary[/i] sewage, but something more odd. The entire place felt [i]sick[/i], but he couldn't pinpoint it down to a single source. Did the inhabitants above this cavern even know what was below their feet, their nice little houses and busy taverns ? Well that question was assuming that they even still were below the city. Vekyzz was no longer entirely sure about that after all. What he was sure about however was that any kind of organization had to be very desperate in order to pick a place like this as its base of operations. The tiefling had managed to avoid an inadvertent bath in the disgusting mess below them, but only with luck. This delapidated dock clearly was in no shape to support him properly so it had been a dance around each and every supposed weak spot and a nail-biter as far as the rest was concerned. A glimpse of hope that the air might become less aggressive towards his nose and lungs had come up in the moments after they had passed the magic door (an extremely intriguing contraption indeed!), but once they had crossed paths with the next corridor he could only wonder why they had not thought about installing a second door right there. It seemed to smell even worse! Then however he had spotted a disturbingly familiar sight, even through all that irritating stench and darkness. From then on Dantel's and Phideas's words had not had the same relevance for him as before. Quite frankly the most important thing that now that their explanation had ended was left in his mind was simply 'it only affects elven-kind'. Or, in other words, he could go in there! [color=ff9900]"Personally I'd like to forget about rest and food for the moment, I just need an important bit of information: Can you tell me the identity of the individual with white hair and nipped ears that is lying in your little infirmary ?"[/color] Before walking in there he wanted to be sure... Vekyzz was back fully awake, various indications that he wanted to sleep vanishing rapidly. Dantel's gaze rose for a moment to meet Vekyzz before falling again in thought. He murmured something to himself before looking back up. "[color=a187be][b]Curious. You must mean the informant. She calls herself Tali; though I'd wager that isn't her birth name.[/b][/color]" Phideas looked from the group over towards Dantel. "[color=2e3192][b]They must be the foreigners she spoke of.[/b][/color]" "[b][color=a187be]How fortuitous, indeed. I'd suggest you make haste if you seek her counsel,[/color][/b]" Dantel paused for a minute. His face contorted with a subtle wince before continuing. "[color=a187be][b]The plague is upon her, quicker than with most we've treated.[/b][/color]" "[color=f6989d]By Minerva's blessing we'll find a cure quickly,[/color]" Horatz added. "[color=a187be][b]Preciously what we wanted to speak with you all about. You have my blessing to speak with your associate, and to get rest. I will discuss our plans in greater detail come nightfall.[/b][/color]"