[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/FKJKRczH/the-gifted-591b350cc9ba7.png[/img][hr][img]https://i.postimg.cc/J4CN5tYF/scarlet-witch-dans-avengers-endgame.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][@Nallore][@FantasyChic][@BlueSky44][@Achronum][@Trainerblue192][@KazAlkemi][@Framing A Moose][/center][hr][center][h3][color=f7941d][b]Washington D.C.: September 10th, 2020 - 1:40 PM[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/WpKJC0mt/image.png[/img][/center][hr][color=f7941d][b]The Training Room - Shaw Industries...[/b][/color] [color=E0F6FD]"It's [i]Ms.[/i] Frost,"[/color] Emma corrected Max. She wasn't married and she had no intention on it. She enjoyed carnal pleasures, yet she detested the idea of allowing a man to have power over her in any shape or form. Emma gave him a curt nod as he thanked her for using her powers to lift him up. She didn't care much for him, finding that his loquacious nature was rather vexing. Magneto looked positively [i]livid[/i] at Max's display of his powers. Mutant abilities were not supposed to be toys - and they most certainly were [i]not[/i] for playing dress-up with. The Hellfire Club was meant to be establishing the mutant nation of Genosha, yet how could they achieve that with such poor new recruits? He had supported Emma's leadership after Shaw's demise earlier, chiefly because he spent more of his time working with the Brotherhood than the Hellfire Club. Perhaps he was wrong to have done so. Not all mutants were worthy of salvation. Reeva's phone then began to ring. She took it out and smiled slightly as she saw the caller ID. [color=B1C1EB]"I have to take this - it was lovely meeting you both,"[/color] she said to Leighton and Max, as she exited the training room, answering the call and holding the phone up to her ear. [color=B1C1EB]"Benedict, what a delicious surprise..."[/color] [color=11FCBC]"They've made it to the hangar,"[/color] Sage announced. She didn't enjoy helping them escape, but it was part of her duty. Professor X had asked her to infiltrate the Hellfire Club as a spy, since her thoughts were all in binary - telepaths couldn't read her mind and realize that she was a traitor. [color=E0F6FD]"Erik, [i]I[/i] am the Lord Imperial. It is my wish that you allow these two to train with you today. And my wish is most certainly a [i]command,[/i]"[/color] Emma threatened. [color=FF5733]"So be it,"[/color] Magneto sneered, taking off into the air again. [color=FF5733]"You want to see [i]real power[/i]?"[/color] he scoffed, looking down at Max as Leighton hadn't engaged in the session yet. [color=FF5733]"Here's your first lesson. [i]Dodge.[/i]"[/color] Magneto then flicked his wrist, sending dozens of metal rods flying at Max. Magneto's eyes were glowing slightly, perhaps from rage or from the use of his mutant powers. Polaris sighed. She hated it when her father's ego got the best of him - which was almost always... [color=f7941d][b]The Raft - Location Classified...[/b][/color] Wanda followed along after Jinx, more annoyed than anything still by his existence at the prison at the moment. He had brought up [i]Pietro[/i], and clearly proved that the only place he lived, and belonged in, was in a place under a rock. She easily threw the remaining guards backwards, knocking them out except for one of them, who she then proceeded to just entirely annihilate by ripping the poor man in half. Her eyes were glowing before she glanced over at Jinx, [color=red]"Annoy me, or get in my way, and that will happen to you."[/color] [color=3D5DC3][i]"She's lashing out because of her brother - don't take it personally,"[/i][/color] Esme whispered in Jinx's mind. She tended to be the peacekeeper of the Three in One, the only one really with sympathy and compassion. Phoebe and Sophie tended to be rather cruel and uncaring. Once they reached the end of the hallway, they arrived in what could only be described as an underwater hangar. There were two options for vehicles. The first was a helicopter, which would require them finding the control to raise the entire Raft above the ocean surface. The second was what looked like a small submarine. To use that, they'd need to find the control to allow them to manipulate the "air lock" so to speak, since otherwise the entire Raft would be flooded. [color=3D5DC3]"We'll drive,"[/color] the Three in One said instantly. Their eyes glowed blue for a moment as twenty guards rushed out towards them. [color=3D5DC3]"Handle them - we'll find someone with the knowledge on how to operate the submarine."[/color] The triplets then clasped hands, locking onto the mind of an engineer in the control booth area and they started to siphon the knowledge from him. [hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/5yqyXQGW/image.png[/img][/center][hr][color=f7941d][b]New Mutant Underground Hideout...[/b][/color] Casper couldn't even focus on Sapphire, too alarmed with the bloodied ghost in front of him. Shaw's spectral form was covered in knife wounds, staining what had once been a crisp white suit. Casper's eyes were darting about wildly as Jack put his hands on his shoulders. Everything was just white noise in his ears. He couldn't even identify the ghost in front of him as Sebastian Shaw in his state of complete panic. [color=DBA1DE]"J-Jackie, he wants..."[/color] Casper began to stammer, only to suddenly relax as Spark Plug manipulated his emotional state. It wasn't a true high, so the ghosts didn't vanish from sight. Yet just as there are good trips, there can also be bad trips. Everything around him felt out of focus and he couldn't concentrate on anything. [i][color=E19243]"You're going to go to a man named Essex. Have him make me a new body. And then, Spirit Seer, you're going to restore my soul,"[/color][/i] Shaw ordered. [i]"Shut up, leave him alone!"[/i] Ben snapped at Shaw. [i][color=E19243]"Quiet, boy,"[/color][/i] Shaw ordered, before sending a blast of ghostly energy at Ben. The dead mutant went flying backwards, falling through the wall that divided the training room from the entranceway. [color=DBA1DE]"Stop it, leave Ben alone you dick!"[/color] Casper shouted at Shaw. The high Spark Plug had given him was giving him some courage and he ran forward, trying to kick Shaw in the balls. Casper wasn't properly aware enough to even understand the implications of what happened - [i]his foot connected[/i]. Shaw dropped to the ground, clutching his ghostly jewels in pain. To Veil, all she (and the others) had been able to see and hear was Casper shout at the air and then kick it. James' explanation that Casper's mutation allowed him to see ghosts was incredibly helpful, but she wasn't really sure what they could do with that to help. They barely had standard medical supplies available to them, much less inhibitors. And as much as she felt for him, they didn't have the time for this. Their window on being able to handle Sinister was closing rapidly. [color=6B576F]"Ghosts are real,"[/color] Magik told Feedback without another thought. [color=6B576F]"Dangerous, too. They can possess people at will, make them their playthings."[/color] [color=E33B19]"Thanks, [i]Chilling Adventures of Sabrina[/i],"[/color] Negasonic quipped. [color=E33B19]"Will everyday be Halloween with you around?"[/color] [color=#DAF7A6]"If it is, there [i]better[/i] be candy,"[/color] Sunshine commented. Veil cleared her throat. [color=935DB8]"Stretch, can you handle your brother?"[/color] she requested. She really couldn't waste any more time. [color=935DB8]"Havok, speaking of brothers, yours?"[/color] she then asked. They also couldn't afford to just let Vulcan destroy their new home. They had been lucky enough that Negasonic and Blink managed to find this bunker in the first place. Veil doubted they'd be lucky a second time. [color=FAFD95]"Let's tie him up and drop him in the Savage Land,"[/color] Havok said. He picked the Savage Land in order to address Waverley's concerns. No one really lived there. It was far from civilization, but not an impossible place to survive. Hopefully, they'd never have to see him again. [color=935DB8]"...Alright. Blink, can you take care of that? After I discuss assignments."[/color] [color=D48FFF]"You got it."[/color] Veil then took a breath. [color=935DB8]"This might be a suicide mission. Some of us might not come back. If you aren't ready for this, then you're staying here. Mister Sinister and Shaw have been kidnapping mutants and turning them into Hounds. Our job today is to save the captive mutants and destroy Sinister's lab. It's a maze down there and you should expect resistance. Stick to your group. Groups are the following..."[/color] [color=935DB8]"First one - me, Jack, Moonwalker, Spark Plug, and Blink. Second one - Colossus, Casper, Glimpse, James, and Negasonic. And third one - Sapphire, Havok, Sunshine, Feedback, and Magik."[/color] Blink nodded, heading into the dining room for a moment. She made sure that Vulcan was tied up as best as she could, before shoving him unceremoniously through a portal into the Savage Land. Once she closed up the portal, she hurried back over and rejoined the others. [color=935DB8]"Newcomers - I want you to look onto those who have been with us for a while during this. Those of us who have already been in Sinister's Funhouse today, I expect you to step up as well,"[/color] Veil then looked around the room. [color=935DB8]"Blink and Magik, open up some portals to the Cherry Bomb. If you step through the portal, you're on the mission."[/color] The two mutants then did just that. Through each portal, the basement of the Cherry Bomb was visible. The secret elevator was in plain sight, with the rest of the basement looking more like an old library or study lounge than the basement of a bar.