[@KatherinWinter][@Raptra] The girl raised an eyebrow at her response, but couldn't really argue with it based on the fact that she knew she wasn't wrong. "Two Shay." She raised an eyebrow sitting up, "Who said I ever worked in a group?" She tilted her head listening to the last part and laughed. "Wow, you really only know stuff from the rumors you've heard? I know there were a lot of them. Why else would a lot of criminals be scared of a 14-year-old, well I'm 16 now." She laughed shrugging looking at Blake and laughed. With a hint of sarcasm in her voice, " You've had it easier than us. That's one thing for sure. Might want to cover up your virgin ears because I think she wants to shout out the sh*t I've done that landed me in jail." She wasn't expecting that the girl had known exactly who she was, but it doesn't matter. Based on her behavior here she could tell it wasn't going to mean much. She turned to her twisting her head smiling still. "Who said a badass had to be heartless. I like to be cozy sometimes too, but go ahead and spill the tea. This would be so much better with hot chocolate and a bowl of popcorn. " She leaned back in her seat watching her.