[center] [hider=My Hider] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/ee/bb/93/eebb939deb5c6bbdb22ad423bd4cd116.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/center] [center][u][h2]Louis Ragelance [/h2][/u][/center][center][sub][b]Age:[/b] 235 [b]Gender:[/b]Male [b]Species:[/b]Old Blood [/sub][/center] [u][b]History:[/b][/u] Louis was born in England on December 11. He grew up in a poor family with two other siblings and was often quite sickly. Most of his childhood was spent sheltered from the outside world, lying in bed hoping to fight off whatever ailment he had acquired. However, during one of his few trips into town, he ended up meeting Audrielle. He had accidentally stumbled into her when his illness at the time had sent him into a dizzy spell. With his parents not around and his siblings off playing a game nearby, it was the Lady Eve who stopped to momentarily make sure the child was ok. The two spent a short time together and it was then that Audrielle realized that the kid likely didn't have much time left. So, she told him if his condition worsened to come find her again at the town, claiming that she had a solution. Louis thought she was crazy at first but desperation eventually made him cling onto hope. His condition did worsen so he told his parents about the lady. Believing her to be a doctor, they took their son into the town as a last ditch effort to save him. Audrielle, was of course, there and took the family into the home she was currently residing at. It was then that she gave Louis the choice to become a vampire. After his family voted that it would be best, he agreed to it and Audrielle gave them a chance to say goodbye before using her powers of mind compulsion to make his family forget about their talk as well as believe their son to have passed. After that, Louis grew up with the coven, being educated by Aida and following Audrielle and Nicholas' leads while forming other relationships with other various vampires he crossed paths with. While the life wasn't bad, he eventually grew tired of being looked down upon for his younger appearance. Despite decades having past, it was clear many still viewed him as the same child that he joined them as. He longed for more and started to push his way into the politics of the coven. Of course, there was only so far he could go as Audrielle often didn't seek much advice unless it was from the council or Nicholas. However, his patience paid off when Audrielle was brutally killed. While others grieved, he launched into action to recover the coven that had lost not only their source blood but also Nicholas, another old blood who was highly respected. He did feel some sense of loss over Audrielle but it was simply too good of an opportunity to pass up. He rallied the coven back together and was finally in a position he wanted to be in. Unfortunately, it seemed it would be temporary as Audrielle was reborn and the only thing working in his favor is her lack of memories. Since then, Louis has continued to secretly undermine plans to get her memories and powers back, hoping to postpone the day that he'd have to give up his newly claimed power. [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Born into a family with nothing but a once short life span, Louis craves all that he once didn't have. For a long time, he was satisfied with the comforts the coven had to offer. He got many things he never thought he'd get before including an education, a comfortable life, and to some degree, money. The only thing missing was power. Louis wanted to be a leader, wanted his voice to carry more weight than the child many looked at him to be. He's smart and crafty with a great abundance of patience and ambition. He might lack the makings of a natural leader but he makes up for it with his confidence and quick thinking. [u][b]Miscellaneous[/b][/u] [list] [*] Fears Nicholas' return [*] His growth, even as a vampire, has been held back slightly by the weakness he experienced as a human making him less physically strong than most Old Bloods his age. [*] Known for taking in stray cats he comes across. He has three currently. [/list]