[hr][hr][center][h1][color=FB5A7E]Leighton Brooks[/color][/h1][img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/304064324/original.gif[/img][hr][color=FB5A7E][b]Location[/b][/color]: Shaw Industries - The Training Room [color=FB5A7E][b]Skills[/b][/color] Ice Manipulation[/center][hr][hr] Leighton still didn't feel right. Even if Magneto altered his ways, what of the damage he did cause? Forgiveness was one thing, but turning a blind eye was another. Max appeared ok, save for his pants being on fire, but he quickly changed out of them and tossed them aside. [color=FB5A7E]"I like the style."[/color] She watched as the other woman left to answer a phone call, unsure of what to make of her. Max and the platinum blonde girl seemed to have history, which meant she must have been in the building when Max and that group attacked. Max defended Magneto, but Leighton wasn't buying it. [color=FB5A7E]"Then someone better start telling the whole story. I'm sick of half-truths and lies."[/color] However, before they could get anywhere, Magneto launched an attack on Max, flying metal rods at him. Leighton wasn't having that. She sprung up and summoned her ice powers, forming an ice shield about 3 feet wide, 6 feet tall. She was impressed at herself for that alone. Three rods embedded themselves and stopped, but Magneto curved the others around. [color=FB5A7E]"Max, watch out!"[/color] [hr][hr][center][h1][color=9A86AD]Anastasia Reinhardt[/color][/h1][img]https://em.wattpad.com/862da5011b1817745a23a106ca0d592c679b390d/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f494635526f4254667564737267513d3d2d3731383833393537362e313539353235366536363431363331653139393239323535333839372e676966?s=fit&w=720&h=720[/img][hr][color=9A86AD][b]Location[/b][/color]: Shaw Industries - The Training Room [color=9A86AD][b]Skills[/b][/color] N/A[/center][hr][hr] The liar-liar-pant-on-fire boy had an attitude problem that needed permanent adjusting. He came into the room and immediately began attacking one of the most powerful mutants around and [b]she[/b] was the one in the wrong. She couldn't help but laugh as he made clothes appear and changed out of his burning pants. [color=9A86AD]"Wonderful use of powers. Can you pull a rabbit out of a hat next?"[/color] She glanced over at Magneto as he began to fight the newcomers. The raven-haired girl shot up to the defensive and put up an ice wall. So she was an ice manipulator. Good to know. She didn't join in the fray, she wanted to see how the newbies handled themselves. Sage spoke about the team in the Raft, having heard they escaped. She supposed she should be grateful, but she couldn't care less. Jinx would probably blow something up or get himself killed. The Three-in-One was capable and she couldn't be bothered with the others. She stifled a yawn. She wondered how the idiot would handle Magneto's attack since it worked gangbusters last time.