Blinking as she readjusted to the higher levels of light, Diamond almost couldn't believe what she was seeing. Instead of a dusty lobby or mistle, there were [i]plants[/i], and a lot of them growing healthily. Noticing the modifications and fortifications, she wondered for how long this place had existed, and who had taken so much care to make it. Unfortunately, she couldn't see anything immediately useful upon first glance, so the wonder quickly faded as her more practical thoughts surfaced. There weren't any blood beads or a mistle in plain sight, and she wasn't about to go exploring the nooks and crannies without someone watching her back either. After all, she had no clue about who had made this place or when they'd be back, so she wasn't too keen on getting distracted in a search. Sighing, she turned around and headed back downstairs. Time to try using that plastic thing in the meantime, however that was going to work.