Benjamin still resited them when he saw Dia being grabbed by the shadow tendril. "Dia!" he called out. "There is no Dia here," the nurse told him. "You are imagining things again." "I'm not imagining it, we need to help her!" Again he tried to fight off the guards, who only saw him as a patient in a violent state. The nurse opened the door of a padded room and Benjamin got shoved inside. He went for the door, but the slammed it in his face and locked it. "Let me out!" he shouted as he hit the padded door as hard as he could. "You can't hurt others or yourself here," the nurse told him. "Once you are calm you will be freed again." Vivian went into her office again, gesturing to the chair Benjamin had sit in moment before. "The reason I called you here is to warn you. Benjamin never told you why he was really brought here, did he?" Marc opened the doors of the car and gestured to Sara to get in. "Let's go," he said, getting behind the wheel. Now he had to pick a good location to have that drink, he didn't want to disappoint her during her first afternoon off. "What things do you like?" he asked.