[h2][center]Guild Staff[/center][/h2] The girl who came to answer Nehir's attention fit a mould quite common amongst the guild staff: young, hair--in her case a strange pale green--in a bob, and from what could be seen over the counter wearing a grey jacket with its own little capelet over a ruffled blouse. She was also, going by the slight point to her ears, presumably half-elven, and considerably more off-balance than your average clerk; stumbling slightly as she got into position and coming dangerously close to smothering the nem before she straightened up professionally. "The three of you will be all?" she asked, doing the first necessary check--that there weren't more people ready to take the job. It was always awkward if too [i]many[/i] tried to do one task; out of courtesy to avoid the client's pay being split too far and to prevent competition between their own adventurers, most jobs were sharply limited in how many could register before the notice would be taken down. Of course, if everyone died, it would go back up... with a commensurate increase in difficulty. "Your names and ranks?" To have the staff actually remember your name was generally either a sign of great success, alarming failure, or unusual circumstances. [@ghastlyInc]