[@AlternateMan] Looks good so far! Only thing is the Quirk name - not a big problem, but they're generally more straight-forward than fanciful. Oh, and minimum amount of points is 5 (well, technically 0, but that's up to you). Not super important to put down right now, though. [@King Cosmos] Ooh, I like her. Out of curiosity, do you have a broader idea for what direction to take her Quirk in? I can see several good uses for it with the proper training - having metal-based weapons or armor to conduct the heat, or somehow making bursts of steam, for example. Regardless, she's [b]Accepted![/b] Welcome aboard, 42. [@SilverPaw] Love Kian. I'm imagining his hero costume as a fancy protective turtleneck, though, is that what you were going for? :b He's [b]Accepted[/b] of course. Two down, eight to go! [@Majoras End] You could PM me if you want to has out your idea! Or just put it in and see what happens! [@ShwiggityShwah] Very interesting. Would Turbine let him, well, jet around similar to Engine? Or is it more for its wind power? Also you don't [i]have[/i] to put it in the format I've put it, so long as all the pieces of my example App are there. But it's up to you!