[center][h3]Courier 6 and Geralt[/h3] [b]Location:[/b] Devil's Casino, Inkwell Isle[/center] Two shots and the flying olives went down, shrinking in on themselves and into nothingness. Durability was not their strong suit. Their maker, the martini glass, fared better against Gaige-tron's acid. Among all the varied materials one might encounter in the world, few withstood acidic corrosion better than glass. Only because it was high-strength could the acid affect Martini's silicate surface at all, and even then the destruction of its outermost alkalis left a porous surface that slowed down corrosion even more. It hurt, judging by the living glass's shocked reaction, but it couldn't possibly melt through before one or more party members died of thirst. As such, Martini could keep spawning olives, so 6 kept shooting them down. Meanwhile, Geralt used his shield sign to weather a rush of liquor from Rummy and get close enough for retaliation. He grabbed the drunkard's noise with a [i]honk[/i] and smashed the pommel of his sword in between the stubby glass's eyes Cracks blossomed outward from the surface as Rummy gasped, but instead of shattering the surface simply bent, like safety glass. Still, Rummy's eyes just about rolled back into his head. “Oooooogh...” he moaned, falling back into a sitting position. “Gonna....I'm...buh...” The highly-directed impact damage right to the noggin did just the trick; one member of the Tipsy Troop was down. Behind Rummy, Whiskey grimaced. “Ain't had enough, eh? 'Ere then—straight from the top shelf!” His top came loose and he started blasting whiskey upward, but instead of a single stream, he launched large globules in quick succession, each subsequent orb readjusted for wherever Geralt ended up after the one before. This time, dodging the brew would be no easy feat. [center][h3]Hat Kid[/h3] [b]Location:[/b] Devil's Casino, Inkwell Isle[/center] Mere moments after the hatted child arrived in the enormous toy machine and hooked herself to its ceiling, the cymbal monkey began to stir. He hooted and chattered, smacking his instruments together to send yellow musical notes flying around, no doubt some sort of projectile. From a slot on the ceiling, a large array of playing cards descended to slide over the machine's glass window. Arranged in four columns and three rows to make twelve total, they faced Hat Kid for just over a second -revealing that two apiece featured matching symbols- before flipping over to become indistinguishable. Mr. Chims went limp, and the claw arm holding him began to move. It carried him around the space in the machine in a random pattern, bouncing off in a different direction when the monkey hit a wall, the ceiling, or the floor of creepy toys. If Hat Kid hit two cards and got a match, he'd wake up in a noisy fit to smack his cymbals again, but if she got two mismatched cards, he'd shudder as the arm started to move him faster, gradually increasing both the likelihood of Hat Kid getting hit and and force at which he'd hit her. [center][h3]Organization XIII Gneidxick[/h3] [b]Level 6 Tora[/b] - (12/60) EXP and [b]Level 5 Poppi[/b] - (20/50) EXP [b]Location:[/b] Devil's Casino, Inkwell Island[/center] One by one the teams started emerging from their fights. Tora and Poppi arrived first, receiving an intrigued look from Gneidxick. “Put the screw on ol' Phear Lap, huh? Well, that bonehead could barely fight anyways, and looks like he still roughed ya up pretty good!” he taunted, noting Tora's sizable bruises. Bowser and Junior got back not long after. They were joined by Kamek, who came down from above with a few spirits so that his friends could make a selection from them for breaking. Gneidxick twisted the end of his 'stache. “Heh. You bozos seem out of breath. Pip and Dot musta given ya quite the workout, even if ya worked [i]them[/i] out in the end.” When Peach, Ace Cadet, and Linkle appeared, Gneidxick started to look a little annoyed. “Hmph. I figured you'd smoke Wheezy, anyhow. Let's see if you're still smilin' after round two.” He reached down and clapped his hands together in front of the game board, starting the pink die from earlier spinning once again. “Go on an' try your luck, wise guys.” Tora went first. He waddled up to slap the dice with his wing and stop it spinning. It landed on a 1, and the chip on the game board slid forward one space accordingly. When the other groups tried, they got a 1 and a 2 respectively. That left the chip only four spaces forward on a thirteen-space board. “Ohohohoho, hmm hmm!” Gneidxick snickered. “Guess it's back to the grindstone, see!” Tora and Poppi looked tired. “Far too much nonsense for early morning,” the Nopon complained. But it couldn't be helped. With three of the chip portals dark and two currently occupied, five fights remained available. The pair and Croagunk went for the nearest open chip, which offered a glimpse at another game table laden with poker chips. A moment later Michael and Franklin made their descent, landing unharmed despite there being no indication that they would after jumping into the pit. Gneidxick eyed them, more or less deadpan. “More reinforcements, huh? Ya missed the first round, but there's plenty of beatin' left. Fight one o' my friends, roll the die, get to thirteen and win. Real simple, right?” 'Simple', he said, but the dice-man's leer somehow indicated that it might be anything but.