Andy watched as Alastor eat his breakfast, a hearty and healthy one too. He had settled for toasting a few slices of bread and eating them with pre-sliced cheese from the fridge, after he had helped his guest prepare his breakfast. It usually was that or cornflakes. Something fast and simple. He grinned when Alastor managed to both insult and compliment humans at the same time. "We'll have that conversation again after you watched your first hotdog-eating competition," he promised, eating the last bit of toast. When the Laizu raised his plate and asked his question, Andy nodded. "We wash them so we can use them again later," he explained. "Some fill the sink with water and a bit of soap and wash it by hand," he pointed to the sink as he said that, "but lazy people like me use a dishwasher." As he said that he opened his dishwasher and pulled out an empty tray. "Plates here. Cups, mugs, glasses here. Cuttlery here. We'll run it when it's full, it's a waste of resources to let it wash only a few items at the time." Since he had opened the dishwasher he put his plate in it, but he kept his mug for a second cup of coffee. "I will have to go to the hospital today for work, so you'll be alone for several hours. I have lots of books you can read and I can give you a key to this place so you can explore the city bit, but try not to kill anyone. In the evening I'll show you how to use the TV and the computer."