[hr][hr] [center][h2] Siobhan [/h2][/center] [hr][hr] “No, my dear, I mean Blue [i]magic.[/i] It is one of the many forms that magic can take, and something you may have the opportunity to learn in time. Blue magic in particular,” he continued as he came to the very top of the house and stepped off the stairs onto the highest landing in the building, “governs transport, movement, and space. Hence we shall use a powerful and ritual form of it in order to take you far afield. It will not look like a portal, but if you’ve ever had the pleasure of consuming fiction wherein portals are used, you’ll know what I mean.” Ana nodded enthusiastically as he spoke. “It’s made our job not just easier, but possible in the first place.” Here the corridor was littered with broken bits of wood and metal, frames and linings and bounds, like another hundred picture frames shattered into fragments. Up ahead and above them, the shallow tinkling of the windchime people’s legacies grew louder as a breeze passed thin judgement over the ruined country home, running through the broken windows and holes in the walls like water over gravel. The noise stroked the inside of Siobhan’s skull, ever so gently, like the loving legs of a friendly spider, or like silk thread through a needle. Eventually, they came to a steel footladder leading up into the attic - the ladder itself clearly an addition that the Underground had made themselves, whatever having existed in its place beforehand no longer serving its sole purpose, and having since been discarded. Up there, it was dark. “I don’t know why the attic is so Blue. Normally that kind of thing is associated with journeys and the like. Who starts their trip from an attic?” Milo wondered aloud as they came to a stop at the foot of the ladder. [hr][hr] [hider=][@Lady Selune][/hider]