[Hider=Captain Sparkle Fingers][CENTER][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][B]C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T P R O P O S A L[/B][/COLOR][h1][color=0076a3][b]M I G H T Y T H O R[/b][/color][/h1][hr] [img]https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-0kvv9/images/stencil/1280x1280/products/275357/384798/aug180948__31281.1539811934.jpg?c=2[/img][h3][sup][sub][color=0076a3]T H O R O D I N S O N [color=1E90FF]♦[/color] G O D [color=1E90FF]♦[/color] A S G A R D [color=1E90FF]♦[/color] A S G A R D[/color][/sub][/sup][/h3][img]IMAGE/BANNER[/img] [/CENTER][COLOR=0076a3][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR] [CENTER][sup][color=ADD8E6]"“Of course it was Loki. It's always Loki.”"[/color][/sup][/CENTER] [INDENT][INDENT][i]Thor is one of the oldest heroes, historically speaking. Having existed in a time where Gods and Humans interacted regularly, quite often they did battle as their peoples clashed. Thor did many a battle with ancient Gaelic and Scandanavian deities. His biggest test was against a figure clad in black, while he managed to survive the fight it took a toll on him. A drunk and a brute, when the All-Father Odin brought peace to the nine realms treaties were devised and the Asgardians withdrew from Midgard to focus on their more cosmic concerns. Through his long life, Thor has witnessed the rising of the Green Lantern Corps, Nova Corps. Rise and Fall of Empires, and has always lent a hand to whoever may need it (usually in the form of helping smite one's enemies). For many years he did not mellow, his arrogance and violent tendencies commonplace and well known throughout eight of the nine realms. It took a plot from Loki, the threat of his father's death and banishment on Midgard for him to finally start to understand his true duties as God and Protector of the nine realms. Now he divides his time evenly between Midgard, Asgard, and all the other nine realms. When on Midgard he swears loyalty to a noble group of heroes known as Avengers, heroes that helped him in his fight against Loki. This Thor I'm going with a more traditional take, I still intend to go into some more traditional/folklore elements. I'll be exploring what it means for the world where a literal (self-proclaimed) God is active in the World and what affects that might have.[/i][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=0076a3][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][i]Thor at this point is a bit more mellow than my previous rendition off him, he still has a slight edge of arrogance. He spends most of his time on Midgard, despite Odin's protests, as he feels that is where he is needed most. He sees the potential in them, and how they can grow to be something great despite all the flaws in their past. Flaws that he has lived through, his banishment was a real eye-opening experience. He has always wielded power, so having his power removed gave him a chance to learn who he was [i]without[/i] the power. I want to see where Thor fits into a world with a Superman, and I honestly think the plot I have for Asgard is one of the best I've come up with. Just to blow my own horn. How the Nine Realms work: The Nine Realms are extra-dimensional to Earth, systems that exist with Earth as a Central point. There are other planets/worlds within these realms, though they are smaller than the Galaxy at home. While the Bifrost is the may way connecting these realms, there are other more dangerous paths. [/i][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=0076a3][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][hider=Plot Arcs] [i]Whoever shall be worthy...[/i] - Thor must strive to continually be Worthy of Mjolnir, his greatest weapon. [i]Asgard Lost:[/i] What happens when the Crown Prince cannot return home? [Main Plot] [/hider] [hider=NPCs] [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/6/68/Heimdall_%28Earth-616%29_from_Mighty_Thor_Vol_2_2_001.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20180929211420]Heimdall[/url] - Heimdall is charged with control of the Bifrost, and can see all which transpires through the nine realms. Thors most trusted ally. [url=https://comicvine1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/scale_medium/11112/111123579/6125220-warriors_three_vol_1_1_textless.jpg]Warriors Three[/url] - Hogun the Grim, Fandral the Dashing and Volstagg the Lion of Asgard. A group of noble warriors gathered by Thor to fight for the safety of the nine realms. [url=https://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/14/148344/4489828-tumblr_mar2aqpxb81qc63ooo1_1280.jpg]Lady Sif[/url] - Lady Sif was naught but a maiden until she grew the attention of Thor. Wishing to be a warrior the Prince gave her a chance when no-one else would, he has often suspected that there is some form of bond between them. [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/p__/images/4/44/Loki-Sorcerer-Supreme-Cloak.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20181019201215&path-prefix=protagonist]Loki Laufeyson[/url] - Thors younger brother, tried to take over Midgard for his father Laufey, to gain his help to take down Odin. Stopped by the Avengers, Loki has been missing ever since. [url=https://cafart.r.worldssl.net/images/Category_50419/subcat_182141/UCZXBQHO_150417135055lola.jpg]Amora the Enchantress[/url] - Former love of Thors. A most powerful enchantress. [url=https://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/0/77/628943-odin_madv.jpg]Odin[/url] - The Allfather. King of Asgard, protector of the nine realms. [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/d/da/Freyja_Freyrdottir_%28Earth-616%29_from_Mighty_Thor_Vol_2_1_cover_001.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20180427083438]Frejya[/url] - Thor's mother, god from Vanaheim who married Odin as a union was made between Asgard and Vanaheim. While their marriage was officially to unite the two realms, they are truly in love. [/hider][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=0076a3][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]S A M P L E P O S T:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR] [hider=Sample] [right][b]Galdhøpiggen // Norway // Ten Months Ago[/b][/right] A torrent of light came down from the sky striking the top of the mountain, burning runes into the ground as a tall figure walked out from the Bifrost, shining winged helmet, flowing blonde hair, and the unmistakable mass of Mjolnir at his hip. Thor was instantly recognizable even now as he stood atop the remote mountaintop onto a concrete platform. Two S.H.I.E.L.D agents flinched slightly, lowering their weapons again once they realized who it was. One went to begin a salute, while the other one just stood there stoically. As Thor approached, neither of the guards moved to open the door, Thor stopped shy of it and looked between them. [b][color=#a4c2f4]“I seek entry into the Vault. I would have words with its occupant.”[/color][/b] The guards merely looked at each other, before the one who held the more stoic expression decided to answer. “I’m sorry Sir, we can’t allow that. You haven’t been given clearance to enter.” Thor turned to the guard. [b][color=#a4c2f4]“You must be mistaken, for I am Thor, Son of Odin. The [i]strongest[/i] Avenger, without me this prison would not be here for I am the one who captured its occupant.”[/color][/b] The two guards exchanged looks. “I’m sorry Sir, Commander Hill gave us direct orders. Nobody in or out without her say so.” Thunder sounded off in the distance, barely more than an echo as Thor started to become agitated. [b][color=#a4c2f4]“Then call her up on one of your communication devices-”[/color][/b] “-But sir-” Thor took a step towards the guard as he interrupted him. Thunder sounded off in the distance again, the faintest spark crackled along with the handle of Mjolnir. [b][color=#a4c2f4]“I am not in a trying mood. I must speak to the prisoner now. If you intend to stand in my way, I will gain entry without your assistance.” [/color][/b]The guards looked at each other, obviously not quite sure on what to do. “Well Sir-” The guard barely spoke, sounds befitting more of a mouse came forth from his lips. [b][color=#a4c2f4]“Speak up Mortal.”[/color][/b] “Well Sir, I suppose it will be alright-” The other guard shot him a glance and he merely nodded his head towards Thor in a way Thor took to mean ‘well do you want to fight him?’ “-Afterall without you there wouldn’t be a prisoner, while you’re in there we’ll contact Hill.” Thor merely nodded and waited for the door to open, entering into the main room a series of turrets in the room sat all pointing [i]into[/i] the prison. There was little fear of anyone moving to break into the prison, the only fear was the occupant breaking out. It took Thor ten minutes to pass through the various checks and security checkpoints until he finally stood waiting for the final door to open. It opened like an iris, circular it opened from the center point of the center out towards the radius folding away into the walls. Inside the room suspended in the air was a circular glass unit. Shock absorbers held it in place above a pit. He didn’t know exactly how deep the pit was, merely that he had dug it for what felt like hours until he was bored. The fall may not be enough to kill the prisoner, but it would certainly cripple him. Moving as close to the cell as it allowed, he pulled up a nearby chair and sat on it. The chair groaning slightly underneath his weight. The figure in the cell turned to face Thor. [b][color=#a4c2f4]“So Brother, how are things?”[/color][/b] Loki grimaced from inside his cell. [b][color=#93c47d]“Oh they’re good Thor, these dimwitted mortals you’re so fond of just gave me some new rolls of yarn and knitting patterns.”[/color][/b] Thor raised an eyebrow at his brother who was sat there, raising his little knitted woolen hat in the air. [b][color=#93c47d]“Oh come on Thor, don’t look at me like that. What do you expect me to do? I’m an immortal in prison guarded by mortals whose pathetic little lives are like ants. What do you want? Do you come to gloat? After all this time?” [/color][/b] The Avenger shook his head. [b][color=#6d9eeb]“Nay, Loki. I merely come to see how you are, how you’re being treated, and to ask if you need anything. I have been speaking to our father-”[/color][/b] Loki stood up, throwing all pretense of knitting down with his little hat and needles. [b][color=#93c47d]“Your Father, not mine. I only ever knew my father as a villain in the stories I was told by the man who kidnapped me.”[/color][/b] Thor grimaced. He wasn’t going to go into the whole speech about how Odin had done it to help unite their two peoples, as frankly he never quite understood it himself. This didn’t change that Loki was still his brother, no matter the ill that had befallen Midgard at his hands. He would not give up on the man he had grown up alongside. [b][color=#a4c2f4]“Loki, no matter who your biological father was Odin loved you as a Son, Freyja also. She speaks of you often to anyone who will listen, and would visit herself should her station allow.”[/color][/b] Loki rubbed the brow of his forehead with one hand. [b][color=#93c47d]“First of all, can you stop speaking like that?”[/color][/b] A look of confusion crossed Thors face. [b][color=#a4c2f4]“Like what?”[/color][/b] [b][color=#93c47d]“Like an Asgardian. You’ve spent five years coming to Earth, learn to speak properly, it’s not the eighteen hundreds anymore. I mean come on, if it wasn’t for our magic translating you into English you’d still be speaking Norse for Odin's sake. Get with the time's man.”[/color][/b] Loki sighed.[b][color=#93c47d] “Okay, second of all. If Freyja wanted to come here, she’d find away. Now, please. Leave me to my knitting.”[/color][/b] [b][color=#a4c2f4]“Brother, it needn’t be like this. Perhaps if you were to come with me, back to Asgard-”[/color][/b] Loki scoffed.[b][color=#93c47d]“What, so Odin can lock me away somewhere even worse than here? No thanks. I get television here, I get my magazines and I get my knitting. At least I have some form of entertainment. It’s better than being bound upside down with snakes injecting venom into my eyes.”[/color][/b] [b][color=#a4c2f4]“It doesn’t have to be like this Loki, you made a mistake. You merely allowed your mischief to get out of hand, if I were to speak to Director Fury I’m sure-”[/color][/b] Loki picked his knitting back up off the floor and begun again. [b][color=#93c47d]“Here’s what you’re not getting Thor. I’m not sorry for what I did, the lives lost. Damage is done.”[/color][/b] He shrugged his shoulders. [b][color=#93c47d]“What do you care anyway? You don’t know these people or their lives-”[/color][/b] [b][color=#a4c2f4]“It is my sworn duty, I will protect Midgard and the Nine Realms-”[/color][/b] Loki laughed, throwing his head back as he did so. [b][color=#93c47d]“Please, you just enjoy the hero worship. Getting to fly around and playing God again, I remember what you were like during the conquests. You imprison me for my misdeeds, but how many mortals fell at the hands of Jarnbjorn?” [/color][/b] A fire rose within Thor at the mention of his former weapon. All good humor and intent were lost from his face. [b][color=#a4c2f4]“You know well that it was a different time back then, Midgard was full of war and Gods and we warred, too many have paid for our mistakes.”[/color][/b] Loki stood up, very carefully and gently this time. Placing the hat carefully on his seat.[b][color=#93c47d] “We’re not so different after all. You ruled your people, made them worship you. All in the name of glory. The same way Odin sacrificed his brothers to gain control of Asgard and the nine realms, I made to sacrifice you to rule Earth. We aren’t all that different Thor.”[/color][/b] Thor stood. [b][color=#a4c2f4]“Hear me well brother-”[/color][/b] The figure of Loki disappeared from inside the cell.[b][color=#a4c2f4] “-Brother?” [/color][/b]He stepped forward and pounded on the wall of the cell. [b][color=#a4c2f4]“I am not opening this cell, so you can stop your little parlor tricks now!”[/color][/b] He reached down to Mjolnir and unclipped it from his belt. [b][color=#a4c2f4]“I am in no gaming mood!”[/color][/b] He turned around to leave and as he did so he looked down at his seat. Upon it sat a [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/49/7b/87/497b878582c005a5bf1f809de0d13281.jpg]wooly hat[/url]. [/hider] [COLOR=0076a3][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]P O S T C A T A L O G:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][i]A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.[/i][/indent][/indent][/hider]