[color=8882be][right]Week 6, Day 6, afternoon[/right][/color] Val listened to her response and took a second to process it. He started to feel the weight she carried, it was a good feeling. He knew that sharing the weight was the best way he could help Lo right now. He too, took a deep breath and looked up at the sky. His voice returned with certainty and strength hoping that he could give her some of his confidence. "No more need to pretend you can’t feel the weight. Give some to Master Aren and I so that we can carry it all together." He gave her a warm grin. Lo lifted her head toward him. Her fur flattened against her body as she answered, her tone calm and even voice. “It’s easier said than done. It took Master Rothul and I nearly a month to earn trust. When we originally arrived, we were held at spear point.” "I can only imagine the hardship Lo, but nothing you've said is silly." He stood up offering his hand to help her up as well. Lo took it and let him pull them both onto their feet. Val then pulled her into a tight hug, resting his cheek on her head. “You can stop worrying now. Take it easy the next day or two. If you need anything just ask.” With that he went silent, providing the embrace for as long as it was needed. Lo just stood there while her mind processed everything. She blinked, releasing her from a stasis and bring her back into the present. She exhaled. All the toxic emotions and build up seemed to flow from her lungs into the air. Her arms reached around Val's body, returning the embrace. She squeezed a little tighter then she stepped back, dropping her arms to her side. "Thanks, Val. I appreciate it. Maybe now, I’ll actually be able to have feedback on my progress instead of feeling like I’m stuck." Val stepped back when Lo released, the hug was refreshing, he could feel the atmosphere around them calm and relax. He smiled, “Of course Lo, Let’s head back.”