[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/vampire-revised-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200128/28d7c89238d957b0835e657f73c7fc34.png[/img][/url][/center] [hr] [center][b]Location: The City - Dio's Mansion.[/b][/center] [hr] [quote=@Zoey Boey]"They are all very...quaint. But I, DIO, possess a power far greater than all of them put together. A power I intend on using to rule the entire planet once I return to Egypt from the Crossroads. Tell me, Dracula, have you ever heard of a power called a 'Stand'?" DIO asked, clearly reveling in his own power. Even if Dracula had heard of Stands, there was no way he could know he possessed the ultimate Stand. This was one reason DIO was confident in letting anyone into his abode. He truly believed he was invincible.[/quote] "I can't say that I have," Dracula replied, tilting his head to the side as he stowed the description of Dio's world in the recesses of his mind for potential use in the future. "Although it must be a great source of power if you can conquer a whole planet with it." Although Dracula's tone had fallen into dry sarcasm near the end, there was something in his eyes-his gaze-that suggested he wished to know more about this oddly named ability his host claimed to possess, especially if it really did let him conquer entire planets. Such powers were rare, after all, and [I]extremely[/I] useful. As were the one's who wielded them.