Well the same thing could be said about Halo 2's SMG, that it had caseless ammunition to justify it's huge magazine size in such a small, lightweight container. So like, it's not like I'm just materializing these numbers outta nowhere. As for it's effect on mobility when firing, sure, but the zephyr [b]is[/b] equipped with massive boosters on the back to maintain it's forward momentum, kinda how the A10 has large engines to counteract the back force of the GAU's recoil. So yes, rule of cool future tech exists, but there are definitely some more ridiculous examples of 'too much' out there. I also wasn't anticipating to debate semantics in something that is purely meant to be fun fantasy escapism. So really, why does it matter that.much in the first place? Are giant super powered robots not too much already? Why not just make this an RP about tanks since they're so much more practical than humanoid war machines? I guess that wouldn't be as cool.