[hider=#41][center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhD3XTQTRYU][img]https://i.imgur.com/AfvcZuF.png[/img][/url][h2]Lyra Winterbourne[/h2][sup]14 y/o | British | Rank #41[/sup] [/center] [b]Appearance[/b] Though she stands at a fairly respectable 5’3 for her age, Lyra always wished that she could grow faster, grow taller. Being an Avian Mutant though, means that her bones are hollow and that her body works against attempts to put on muscle or fat on the rest of her body. Mutant that she is, Lyra’s body optimizes her for flight, granting her a whole bag of problems she sometimes wishes she didn’t have to deal with. A high metabolism burns away most of her gains, leaving her with an attractively slim but personally undesirable build. Only the muscles on her lower back and glutes could be considered prominent, and only because those are the muscles that she uses to flap her wings with. These wings, easily thrice the length of her arms, extend out from her lower back and, when not in use, are tucked to form a silhouette akin to a dress. Beyond her hollowed bones and her wings, Lyra’s nails are naturally black, resembling the talons of a bird of prey, but lacking the hardness necessary to be of any use in piercing or shredding. Her neck is extremely flexible, enabling her to turn her head in directions that would cause others to cringe, and in low light conditions, Lyra’s blue eyes flicker into a gleaming yellow. [indent][b]Costume[/b] Knee-length boots, leather pants, a bomber jacket, a utility vest, aviator goggles, and a parachute are what Lyra calls her costume. Inspired in part by the uniforms of British flying aces, the colors of the costume is rather drab, but she lacks the expertise or artistic sense to change anything up too much.[/indent] [b]Personality[/b] Lyra is thoughtlessly self-centered, an individual in love with the concept of becoming a hero rather than the spirit of it. She desires the approval of others, but is easily satisfied too; just a bit of attention is more than what she expects most of the time. There is a bit of a pessimistic, defeatist streak inside of her, offset only by the small kernels of accomplishment that Lyra has attained through her short life. Perhaps she thinks she’s being mature by accepting her weaknesses. Perhaps she thinks she’s being smart by focusing on her few strengths. But the cool, distanced way she interacts with others isn’t all that cool at all, not when it comes from the suppression of a yearning to belong, and she certainly could be a bit more of a brat, a bit more ambitious. But as she is, Lyra’s just happy to have a toe in the spotlight. [hider=Mutant-Type Quirk: Avian] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/fdcEwe1.png[/img][/center] On the bright side, Lyra can fly pretty freely, doing all the graceful swoops and dives and spins and sudden stops that any other common bird can do. So long as her wings aren’t damaged and the winds aren’t insane, she can go through the air for as long as her stamina holds, which is usually pretty long. She can also do that weird thing where she breathes in and out at the same time, her hollowed-out bones storing oxygen for her. A bit creepy when she thinks about it too much, but it’s helpful when her human lungs can’t keep up with the demands of her body. On the un-bright side of things, she has nothing else going for her. Though they may be of denser material than human bone, being hollow still makes it relatively easy for her to break a bone, while her physical deficits means that her human limbs lack in the strength necessary to, say, carry other humans with her while flying, or hurt anything that isn’t made of soft, normal-human flesh. Other mutants can do twenty somersaults in mid-air before kicking through steel plates; Lyra paid for her ability to spurn gravity by being physically below average in every area except for cardio. Which isn’t a problem for any profession, EXCEPT for the Hero profession.[/hider] [b]History[/b] When Lyra was still young, she thought she would become a phoenix. Her mother, after all, had a fire quirk, and she had already inherited her dad’s mutation of being a bird-girl, so it seemed as if she was destined to be a blazing eagle or a burning hawk. Instead, she was just a normal bird, and her bird wasn’t even that cool. The other kids in class told her that it ate snails and stuff. Gross, really. Only the French ate snails. Still, being a snail-eating bird-girl who couldn’t set herself on fire wasn’t enough to crush her dream (and the dream of basically every child anywhere in this day and age) of being a hero, so Lyra did what she could. She spent many nights up late, doing heroic research. Like watching cartoons or playing video games or reading comics or browsing the internet. And while it was sorta sad to see random chumps like some ‘Captain Falcon’ being both a bird and a firepuncher, there was still one thing that Lyra could be happy about. There were heroes everywhere, but only a few of them could actually, truly fly. She practiced that. She did it for a long time. She lost track of the amount of times the friendly neighborhood police officers told her that her practice was a nuisance to her neighbours and that she should stop exercising her Quirk so freely in a public space. It was a small, silly thing to be proud about, but for the girl who drank milk and curled 5lbs dumbbells every day, knowing that she could fly better than anyone else in class (and better than All Might, who couldn’t fly at all!) was the one thing that kept her going. Years passed. Her parents were supportively worried, but Lyra remained committed. She sent applications everywhere and anywhere, and though not many fish took the bait, the one that mattered did. New Heights Academy. Didn’t really know anything about the place, of course, but Hawaii was Hawaii! With a small carry-on bag and a whole trunk full of stuff her mom thought was “absolutely necessary” for the dorm life, Lyra headed off on a plane to the place. Around twelve hours later, she was on the top of the Bot-Ten which, honestly, was a hell lot better than she thought she’d have been. [indent][b]Exam Report[/b] Lyra Winterbourne leveraged her Quirk effectively in the opening stages of exam, her progress unimpeded and unnoticed by any other students due to the bombastic start by Mr. Sakimoto. With her mobility, she was able to acquire all the ribbons placed upon high spots within the environment, but once she accomplished that, she appeared to be either satisfied with that result, or unable to come up anything else for herself to accomplish with the time left. Subsequently, Ms. Winterbourne spent the majority of the exam perched upon a building. For her lack of long-term planning and disinterest in interacting with her fellow students in any manner, positive or negative, I recommend point deductions from Ms. Winerbourne’s final result.[/indent][/hider]