[hr][hr] [center][h2]🔬[color=0080ff]Niah Bautista[/color]🔬[/h2] [img]http://famesyn.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/an-exhaustive-but-not-exhausting-timeline-of-vanessa-hudgens-and-austin-butlers-relationship.gif [/img] Location: The Hub - Common room Skills: N/A [/center] [hr][hr] Some of the stress Niah was carrying released when Tinley and Novikova hugged and talked through their issue. Tinley had done so much for everyone she hated that anyone was mad at her. Which made Niah mentally laugh a bit. She had hated Tinley before they had become a team and now Niah couldn't imagine the team functioning without her. Sadness then washed over her as she thought about friends who were gone that would have been happy to see Niah and Tinley getting along. Niah let it rest in her mind for a moment and then moved on. [color=0080ff]"Just in case I'll get tested too Bonnie."[/color] Niah said. She looked at Sparky and Reynor and hoped Sparky would say no. She didn't trust Reynor. Then again she didn't trust Flynn, well it less not trusting Flynn and just being plain angry at him. It wasn't like she could confront him about it though. He had no idea what he had done. Niah glanced away from Sparky giving her some privacy. She hopped if she ever got engaged that it would be in private and not in a situation like this one. [hr][hr] [center] [h2][color=004d00]Matthew Moss[/color][/h2] [img]https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BZGNmMmU3YmQtZGJkZS00MDc4LThhNTgtYjU1M2Y2NzhkYTI1XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjQwMDg0Ng@@._V1_UY317_CR31,0,214,317_AL_.jpg[/img] Location: The Hub - Common room Skills: N/A [/center] [hr][hr] [color=004d00]"Sounds good."[/color] Matt nodded and smiled at Cass at her offer of going to the movies with him. It was a nice relief to know someone was willing to go to a movie with him. She might split the bottle of wine with him too but he didn't want her to think he was hitting on her too much. Though she was pretty and he wouldn't be upset if she was interested. He wasn't certain if she would be though and tended to error on the slower side dating...especially since his own engagement ended. [color=004d00]"Should probably make sure the dog isn't an alien, don't want Flynn to get killed in the middle of the night by his dog."[/color] Matt was partially joking and partially being practical. He hopped Bonnie would be able to tell with the dog as well. Most of the SHIELD agents had their DNA profile in the system so she would have something to compare it to.