[hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=CFC500]⚡John Watts⚡[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://i.postimg.cc/JzSK9MwZ/source.gif[/img][hr][hr][b][color=CFC500]Location:[/color][/b] Smallville? [b][color=CFC500]Skills:[/color][/b] [hr][/center] [color=CFC500]"Oww!"[/color] Watts exclaimed, holding one of his hands up to his forehead. The screwdriver had hurt a lot when it hit him. His body didn't have the pain tolerance it needed to handle that without his eyes starting to water as he teared up. He tried his best to steel his nerves and calm down, unable to remember what he had said to his own kids when they got hurt, beyond offering to kiss their booboos to make them feel better. His son had been relatively easy to manage - Leda had been way more of a handful. She also had expensive taste compared to her brother. Stephen was content with the random things you could find at garage sales, whereas Leda loved going to Sephora. Once he managed to calm down enough that he didn't think he'd start crying, Watts quickly hurried off in the direction that Andrew had went. The crashes weren't something he was thrilled to hear. Maybe he needed to get one of those kid leashes for Andrew, especially if Andrew was going to be stuck in this form... Watts didn't know if Andrew's mind could handle a reversal on this de-aging process. Coming up behind Andrew, he spotted a bunch of other kids and figured that they had to have been the others. The ginger was probably Evelyn. The blondes and the brunettes were anyone's guess. And the other boy had to be that rogue archer. [color=CFC500]"He doesn't remember anything,"[/color] he informed them matter of factly. [color=CFC500]"He's suffering from brain damage and didn't even know his own name."[/color] As for why they were all kids? Watts had no idea. [hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=107532]🏹 Arthur Twist 🏹[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://i.postimg.cc/fb4j8CXv/tumblr-p6dvsxd-Ehi1vq3qe1o2-540.gif[/img][hr][hr][b][color=107532]Location:[/color][/b] Smallville? [b][color=107532]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [hr][/center] It wasn't too long until everyone was there. The kid with the bow tie seemed to be incredibly full of himself, so he figured that had to be the fake speedster, Dr. Watts. And since there was only one other boy there, then that meant that the clueless goofball next to him had to be Mastermind? Or was that Andrew? It was a little bit confusing, though to be fair this entire situation was a little bit confusing. He had at least heard of Mojo and he sighed slightly, knowing that they'd have to work together to get home. He hated teamwork. He hated trusting people. He'd much rather settle this by himself, but not letting the others know about Mojo would probably result in them getting in the way. [color=107532]"Mojo did this to us,"[/color] Arthur explained to the two who had been unconscious when they met the glorified slug. [color=107532]"He abducts people and forces them to participate in a twisted version of reality TV."[/color] Arthur used to love reality TV - before Krakoa. Now, he just couldn't stand it. It was all fake and manufactured, plus looking at a screen for too long gave him nasty headaches. [color=107532]"He's also the only person who can turn us [i]back[/i]."[/color]