I'm planning for my next post to be a bit of a time skip just so Salem isn't stuck languishing in the past. I wanted to know what juicy pieces of information have become common knowledge, specifically: 1.The tiff between Graft and Chuunitrixx (are people gossiping about this, or are the involved parties keeping mum?) 2. Rodias' intent to replace the nobility of Amberden Assuming the vermin replicates have been created and implanted with Salem's eyes, Salem will have spent a good amount of time watching the town. Being bored, Salem will have begun remodeling part of the City of Lost Things (just rearranging houses and such) to fit the layout of Amberden, creating a 'simulation'. Salem will then plan to invite Kath, Ashara, and Rodias to 'marvel' at the replica. Whether or not Salem knows that Rodias plans to usurp the duke or whatever, having a layout of the town would help with infiltration.