Morgan, Going crazy? Morgan crawled back up the wall and over the edge. He looked as he caught his breath at where the girl had sat next to him and said she was sorry...was it his imagination. No it couldn't have been he had heard her play as day as a reaction to him almost falling before. What in the world was going on? He went for his phone and started to click Nalini's name without realizing it then stopped. "I'm just over reacting...but she is the only one who is going through the same thing." He thought a moment and came to the decision that for now he would just go down and pay his respect sand if he ran into Nalini there then he would tell her. Jumping down between the buildings he shot webbing and lowered himself to the ground then walked to the memorial. Merlyna, Could I be dead? Could I be dead? Really? How am I supposed to move on if I dont know who I am. Were all the thoughts going through ghb her head. This place where all the people were gathered. They weren't celebrating they seemed sad. A memorial, her mind clicked the word and meaning into place. "Well if this is a place to remember the dead then maybe my name will be announced or be on something. Maybe I'll remember who I am." Watching the boy now as he jumped and went the same way she had thought about going perked her up. She would keep following him and maybe find some answers along the way.