[Hider=He Doth Blow his Horn, and Hark his Merry Men...][CENTER][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][B]C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T P R O P O S A L[/B][/COLOR][h1][color=green][b]T H E G R E E N A R R O W[/b][/color][/h1][hr] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/d2/00/82/d200826efe2cee3895fd7db8f342e909.jpg[/img][h3][sup][sub][color=LightGreen]O L I V E R Q U E E N [color=1E90FF]♦[/color] R E N E G A D E [color=1E90FF]♦[/color] S T A R C I T Y [color=1E90FF]♦[/color] L E A G U E O F S H A D O W S[/color][/sub][/sup][/h3] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Green][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR] [CENTER][sup][color=LightGreen]"This City Really Does Deserve Better."[/color][/sup][/CENTER] [INDENT][INDENT] [i]After an invitation to a banished Vtalavian Count by the name of Werner Vertigo turns sour the political battle for control goes awry for the top family in Star City. Robert Queen, his wife and immediate family, along with a good number of his closest confidants and business partners are murdered aboard the family’s private yacht. The boat is sunk, and all the world is led to believe the entirety of the Queen family, alone with several other affluent names are gone forever lost in a storm at sea. However, the League of Shadows, the hired murderers responsible for the slaughter did not fulfill their contract to the letter. Instead they kidnapped two young children from the Queen and Merlyn families respectively to train as prospective assassins for the League. They were of the prime age, and their potential was made clear that terrible night when the two fought bitterly to save their own lives, impressing the cold-blooded Slade Wilson. Oliver Queen and Thomas Merlyn at the tender age of eleven were both presumed dead alongside their families. In truth the boys were undergoing the grueling training and corruptive brain washing preparing them to become worthy Shadows on the remote and frozen island off the coast of Russia. There they would grow to become deadly warriors, fierce and unstoppable. Oliver was recognized for his guile, and Thomas for his grit, and through even the cruelest nights, and harshest days they managed to not only survive but thrive within the Cult's lower ranks. Somehow, after years of service and all the indoctrination Oliver never forgot who he really was, and what had truly transpired. Always trapped in the back of his mind was the truth, fighting to shatter the mental chains and fly free. A decade in the service of the Shadows saw Oliver sent on a kill mission through his childhood home of Star City. The hit was simple and conducted without a hitch, but in the few hours of downtime between departure to his next assignment he felt compelled to visit him home. It was not the place he recalled. Oliver was shocked to find the blossoming city he remembered from his youth had been crippled, plagued by crime and ruled through a puppet city government by Count Vertigo. Everything that he’d lost at the orders of the Count then returned to Oliver, and his conditioning began to peel away. He felt the pain of loss, and the shame at the blood his own hands had split. It took weeks for him to swallow all his tears and in the end he became obsessed with turning the wretched, city-wide collapse around. Abandoning the Shadows and everything he knew Oliver Queen fled back to Star and began preparing for a war retake the fallen city from the monsters who ruled it from the highest towers, and lowest slums. He would take on a new identity, one he remembered hearing stories of while being tucked into bed by his mother and father. He would become the Hooded Archer, the Prince of Tricks, The Green Arrow. [/i][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=Green][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][i]The idea behind this version of Green Arrow is to have Oliver Queen set within a hostile city that has forgotten the billionaire, and sees only the renegade outlaw fighting against the foul disease that has infected his home. Without a multi-national billion dollar corporation supporting his vigilantism, Queen will be forced to rely more on his wits and guile than fancy arrows and knock-off Batman gadgets. Battling gangsters, corrupt police, white collar criminals, and Shadows all with a giddy laugh and yet another trick up his sleeve, this is the Robin Hood-esque figure I'm interested in writing about. [/i][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=Green][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT] [hider=Supporting Cast] [u][i][b]William Harper[/b][/i][/u] - William is a Park Ranger living in the Graylord State forest with his son Roy, and his wife Maria, only a few miles from Star City. He is sympathetic to Oliver's mission, thanks to a mutual connection through Robert Queen. He provides shelter, medical aid, and sanctuary for Oliver in his times of need. [u][i][b]Roy Harper[/b][/i][/u] - Roy is the son of a pair of Park Rangers living in the forest reserve north of Star City, near the US Canadian border. He's a rambunctious kid, often getting into trouble and pushing the limits of his parent's patience. His act first think later attitude tends to get him into tight spots, but he's usually quick enough on his feet to keep from getting hurt. [u][i][b]Dinah Lance[/b][/i][/u] - Left blank for now in case anyone wants to play as Black Canary. [u][i][b]Jean Loring[/b][/i][/u] - Former attorney for the Queen Family, and the only remaining connection to Oliver's past, she is the first person Oliver goes to for help. While Oliver takes on the combative front in the war to save Star City, Jean Loring begins preparing the legal battle necessary to take Queen Industries back from its illegitimate owner, Malcolm Merlyn. [u][i][b]Thomas Merlyn[/b][/i][/u] - Former friends, Oliver and Tommy grew up together under the Shadow of the Assassins, training and serving at the whim of the Demon's Head. Tommy, as he is called by Oliver has become the feared Dark Archer, an expert killer and radical follower of the League of Shadows. He is known for never failing in his duty, and eliminating targets with extreme prejudiced. [u][i][b]Count Werner Vertigo[/b][/i][/u] - The puppet master behind Star City's collapse and the grisly demise of all his political rivals aboard the Queen family's yacht nearly a decade ago. Now the Count lives in the shadows of Star City, gathering his strength and wealth for his triumphant return to Vlatava, his home country. [u][i][b]Malcolm Merlyn[/b][/i][/u] - Owner and CEO of Queen Industries, he is the only large scale businessman who actually thrives in Star City's current political environment, through suspected illicit means. He gained the top spot at Queen Industries after the tragic demise of his brother, and his brother's business partner, former owner Robert Queen. Through some uncertain means he stepped up, and was put into position by the board of directors and has been running Queen Industries ever since. [u][i][b]Danial Brickworth[/b][/i][/u] - A mutant mobster, "Danny" is a giant of a man covered in red-hinted, hardened growths making him immune to most projectiles and blunt force weaponry. He is immensely powerful possessing low level super strength, and worst of all a brilliant mind for villainy and crime. He's a hands on, do it your selfer who isn't afraid to get a little blood on his hands. On top of being an extremely dangerous mobster, he is the undisputed supreme ruler of the Star City underworld. [/hider] [/indent][/indent] [COLOR=Green][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]S A M P L E P O S T:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT] [hider=For Were Sir Guy and Sir Robin to Meet Again Blood Shall Surely Follow] . Guessing at Adrian Guberschans rise to power in the outer Vannels Area would have been a feat of impressive divination. Nobody would have looked at the skinny thirteen year old boy he’d once been, sporting a bloody nose and mismatched socks, and still somehow determined he would turn into the proud and ruthless mob boss that ran everything from Third to the Forty-fifth with an iron fist and a glob of tobacco spit. All for his superiors in Brioni leather blacks back up in city hall. He was the middleman, the collector, the go getter, and ever since the police department had been told to turn a blind eye to his exploits, he’d been the terror of Vannel and the wider industrial zone. And as it happened a prime target for the masked and hooded vigilante concealed amongst the deepest shadows. It was well known that Adrian had it good with some serious higher ups, a direct line and the personal number to the next league of mob bosses in Star City which made him dangerous to mess with, besides the practical heat packing goons he surrounded himself with. Oliver could count four men not including Adrian, the obvious bulges in their basketball shorts denoting concealed firearms as they lugged the last of their nightly ill-gotten earnings into the back of a blacked-out SUV. Wood and leather hissed as Oliver lade shaft to string, adjusting his stance under the cover of a frigid midnight breeze. Invisible. Silent. Deadly. “You are not where you’re supposed to be.” Oliver Queen’s arrow flew true, thudding deep into the wrist of the nearest thug, forcing the man to his knees, a gut-wrenching cry escaping his lips. Shouts rang out, men drew steel, loading lead and powder as they searched for the unseen archer. Oliver ignored them. Spinning about he readied a second projectile a mere heartbeat after the voice sounded behind him, drawing to his ear as he prepared to fight for his very life. A man capable of sneaking up on him would prove a dangerous foe, one worthy of his fullest attention. A twitch in the shadows was all he needed to sight in and let fly. The arrow buzzed its deathtune but just before it stuck a hand moved to intercept knocking the shaft away. Before Oliver could dispatch another attempt the man slid into the thin moonlight, drawing back his hood to reveal a weatherworn face, shrouded in an assassin’s black. Oliver stayed his hand, an easy smile emerging from beneath his green hood. The face was concealed, but for Oliver there was no denying who breathed beneath the mask. “Tommy Merlyn? Hell’s teeth you near scared me half to death. I could have killed you.” Oliver’s infectious smile did not sway the dark garbed marksman however, and he repeated his accusation in no uncertain terms. “You are not where you are meant to be Oliver Queen.” Oliver’s grin faded, and he lowered his bow, releasing a frustrated sigh. Of all the people they could have sent after him… The League knew him too well, and they deemed it necessary to make things difficult for their wayward assassin. They could not understand his needs, and where flat refusal might work on any other agent, Tommy was nearly as stubborn as himself, and more devoted to the cult than life itself. Nevertheless, Oliver squared his shoulders, he was resolute, his mind was made up, and he would not go back come hell or high water. They would never understand his reasons, but Tommy, Tommy might. “Help me finish here Tommy.” He pleaded, giving his old friend a full blast of his natural charm. “For old time sakes, and then I’d like to show you something, really important to me. Then we’ll talk, alright?” At first Oliver worried Tommy would refuse and force to point then and there on that dark roof, but he wavered and broke at last, shaking his head with an irritated snort. “Fine but make it quick. What is this about anyway?” “Tax collection.” Oliver replied cheerily as he returned his attention to Adrian and his three remaining functional goons, and the fourth who’d passed out from the pain. They’d attempted making a break for the hills in the half-loaded SUV, but four previously thrown darts had already completed their work in transforming the sleek vehicle into a particularly heavy street ornament. “Fighting a one-man war isn’t cheap you know, and if anyone should use that funding they so boldly collected from the local drug and prostitution rings I’d rather it was me than some pinstriped count.” “They got all that from drugs and prostitution?” Merlyn inquired, his voice once again accusatory as he knelt beside Oliver on the snow blanketed eaves, his bow in hand and an arrow on the string. Oliver flinched, he shouldn’t try to lie to Tommy, even in a casual way, the man was far too sharp for that. “Well, no. They gather protection money from local businesses too.” He shook his finger under Tommy’s nose disturbing the black shroud. “How about we ask them how much they took from the locals to return it to them; would that make you feel better?” Tommy’s frown deepened. “This is not what you should be justifying to me Ollie.” “Right,” Oliver coughed, shifting uncomfortable under Tommy’s resolute glare. “Well then let’s disarm them, try not to miss and make them bleed though. I’ve been studying them for a while now, and I only incapacitated that first one because he was the most dangerous. Competent with a pistol, or at least he knew how to hold it properly. The others... Not so much, besides I require them for manual labor.” “You know I don’t miss.” Tommy growled, and sure enough in the space of a heartbeat four arrows flew from two bows disarming the remaining gangsters, leaving them rubbing their stinging fingers and howling for all they were worth. The citizens of the Vannels knew better than to concern themselves with the near constant gang warfare that went on in the rundown suburbs, they merely turned up the music or white noise and pretended the cries of pain did not exist. Oliver dropped from his post upon the roof like a green wraith, his shadow following close behind as they approached the shocked Adrian. He was a large man, having lost his skinny look fifteen years prior, he possessed an array of impressive muscles and stood almost a full head taller than Oliver. Seeing the olive clad archer approach Adrian snorted derisively, thinking he might demonstrate what a few rounds of steroids were capable of and down the lithe hooded man and end this outrage once and for all. He did not account for the speed and skill of the man who now faced him, and for his valiant efforts Adrian received nothing more than a bloody nose and a world that seemed to spin as he dropped to his knees, groaning in pain. “Oh, shush now you’ll be alright, you just shouldn’t have tried a left hook, I’m particularly good at parrying those. Isn’t that right Dark?” If Tommy was displeased at the use of his operational code name, he did not show it, merely inclining his head ever so slightly in acknowledgement of Oliver’s claim. Oliver shrugged giving the gang leader a friendly pat on his back. “He doesn’t talk much on missions, so don’t mind him. Say, you look mighty clever, maybe you could help me out. You see, I seem to have misplaced my pocket change, have you by any chance seen a few thousand dollars lying around?” Adrian blanched, dabbing pitifully at his bleeding nose. “W-w-what? Who are you, you bastard?” “Oh, you know, Arrow, Green, The. Whatever order you’d prefer really old chum. I don’t mind. Anyway, have you seen that cash? I’d appreciate your help.” “No,” Adrian was nearly crying at this point and he looked to his remaining men who had wised up after seeing their leader so efficiently defeated and were not moving a muscle under the watchful gaze of the Dark Archer. “I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about you maniac!” “Hm, that’s too bad. Hey, wait, look at that.” Oliver stood up and walked over to the SUV, throwing wide the rear doors with a triumphant grin. “You did find it, thank you Adrian! I knew I could count on you, you’re the best. You know what, since you’re being such a good friend would you mind loading it up in my car for me.” Oliver flicked his wrist and a short double beep sounded and the lights to an expensive green sports car flashed on, revealing itself where once it was concealed in shadow. Oliver nearly collapsed laughing as Adrian’s face paled, first in shock then outrage as he recognized the Michigan plates. “Hey, that’s my new car!” “Load her up boys,” Oliver laughed, and then his joviality vanished, his final word freezing the blood in Adrian and his men’s veins as he stepped upon the ruined wrist of the unconscious man, ripping the arrow out in one vicious twist and laying the gory shaft upon his bowstring with a sinister sneer. “Please.” The next half hour saw Oliver and Tommy speeding away in the commandeered sports car, leaving the four men zip-tied hand and foot to a broken streetlamp for the proper authorities to handle. More than likely they would be released under the corrupted police force, or merely freed by a fellow gang member who stumbled upon them. Either way the message was sent, and it would be heard by every upper white-collar criminal and mob boss Adrian could contact once he found a phone. The Green Arrow would be a known entity before morning, but an underestimated one, Adrian’s pride would ensure that. The two friends were silent as Oliver guided the car out of the City leaving the run-down buildings and near third world hovels its remaining citizens survived in behind. Star City, Oliver remembered it being the pinnacle of American industrial and economic might, now reduced to a pathetic shadow of its former self after years of corruption and vitriolic politics. Oliver’s fingers tightened on the steering wheel merely thinking about it. His city he would claim, and yet he’d spent almost half life away from it, abandoning his home to its undeserved fate. Never again. At long last the winding highway shifted into a gravel driveway and Oliver pulled to a stop outside an abandoned mansion. For a place that had been empty for nearly a decade it was in surprisingly decent condition. The paint was peeling, the lawn was well overgrown, and a few windows were shattered, but otherwise it proudly stood as it always had, a vain monument to the Queen family’s vast wealth and power. “Welcome to my home.” Oliver said, a tad bitterly. “Actually, I’m technically a squatter as my father’s will was no doubt lost after the apparent death of the entire Queen family, its probably owned by some bankrupt real estate firm or something now. Either way its supposed to be mine so I’ve claimed it. Might as well, there was only rats living here since.” “We gave up the personal and forsook our inheritance!” Tommy’s vitriolic response caused Oliver to cringe, despite having known the argument was imminent. “Your home is the League, your family is the League, you are the League’s! Ollie what have you done?” “I gave it up.” Oliver kept his voice level, but his hand shook as he stood his ground, defending his decision to abandon the only family he’d known since the age of eleven. “Don’t you see what they’ve done to us Tommy? We were too young to realize it then, but they killed our family, our real family. Because of the League I don’t even remember what my mother looks like, and yet they expect us to serve them blindly? I won’t do it anymore Tommy, I won’t kill anymore, I want nothing to do with the Demon’s Head or any of it ever again. I know its unprecedented, I know its never been done before, but I quit the League of Shadows, and I’m never going back. This is my home, and the man who hired the League is still here dancing amongst the ashes of Star, reveling in his victory over my father. But I’m not my father, and I play by a different set of rules.” “…You can’t quit the League of Shadows Ollie.” “I can, and I did.” A silent battle of wills took place on that dark driveway, the two stubborn friends held each other’s gazes, refusing to look away. For how long they remained that way, locked in silent mental warfare Oliver could not say. At last Tommy conceded defeat, looking away with a frustrated grunt. Oliver had won this battle, an important one but would it be the last? “I’ll have to tell the Demon’s Head, everything.” “I know, I’m sorry it came to this, but I've made my decision. Call it revenge, call it justice, call it whatever you like, this city is my responsibility now. I can’t leave again, if I don’t fight, I don’t think anyone else will.” Oliver’s heart went out to his childhood friend. They’d been together through thick and thin, since that first terrible day, through the years of brain washing and grueling training, past their first kills and to this very night that they would have to part ways, ideological opposites. He was putting Tommy in a difficult spot, and Tommy by taking the time to personally report to the Demon’s Head was giving him a chance to prepare. “I only hope, for both our sakes.” Tommy said at last, stepping out of the car, clearly preparing for the long walk back into the city. “That we never meet again. Farewell Oliver Queen. And good luck.” “Goodbye Tommy.” Oliver choked out as his lifelong friend vanished into that cold winter night. [/hider] [/indent][/indent] [COLOR=Green][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]P O S T C A T A L O G:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT] [hider=Issues] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5081756][i][u]Issue One[/u][/i][/url] [/hider] [/indent][/indent][/hider]