[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Ls65fcq.png[/img] “A New Day” [color=gold]•[/color] Part 2 [b][sub]Coast City, California[/sub][/b][/center] [indent]New Year’s Eve was typically a night of celebration and excitement. For some, that was true. But for Kara she was a little occupied with something far more important than attending a rager on the top of a Metropolis Penthouse. [color=81CFFF]“I’m going to ask one more time. Stop. Or else.”[/color] There had been an incident in California. Some bio-lab had decided that in their infinite wisdom that they, too, couldn’t contain whatever weird clone experiments they had been working on for the last few years. It seemed that the new age of superheroes had caught several scientists off-guard, sometimes to the point of deciding that humanity needed to “catch up” to the metahumans and extranormals so that they could better combat them. Unfortunately, this meant a lot of these labs were on a short timescale and didn’t have the resources to contain their [i]marvelous[/i] experiments. This had not been the first time Kara had to deal with it with her own two hands. The buildings around her were on fire. Shattered glass covered the streets as the creatures took to her like they were starved animals. Kara frowned. She wanted to [i]help[/i] them. She certainly didn’t want to hurt anyone who used to be human, but her choices in that were quite slim. Using her controlled strength she could knock them out after a few punches, but she had to be careful considering that the incident had caught a bunch of civilians in the crossfire. She had to be [i]fast[/i]. By the numbers she was outnumbered, but numbers never really mattered to her. Especially now as she got older, more fluent with her powers, and more confident with herself. She wasn’t a girl being overwhelmed as she tried to catch a plane anymore. “Grah!” One of the test subjects growled as it lunged in Kara's direction, but not before Kara moved backward in the air. One. Two. Three. [b]Four.[/b] There were four of them encircling the street as civilians scattered. The first of the ones she had struck with a flying punch was still on the ground, gaining his composure. The one she had hit that got the other three’s attention all on her. She sighed, as she tried to come up with the quickest plan that A--didn’t destroy public property and B--didn’t inhumanely put these monsters out of their misery. Well, the damage that wasn’t her fault. Kara didn’t cause the fire. It had started before she got to Coast City around ten minutes ago. [color=81CFFF]“Alright, I get you’re mad, what with being a freak experiment and all. But I didn’t do that.”[/color] The subject growled again as it jumped toward her, slamming its fists down into the concrete when she dodged again before slamming her fist across the subjects jaw, sending it flying backward. [color=81CFFF]“I'm sorry.”[/color] Kara muttered, as she cracked her knuckles. [color=81CFFF]“Didn't want to do this.”[/color] Moving forward at breakneck speeds, Kara sent out another fist into the subject’s jaw, sending it into the air. She had to hand it to the evil mad scientists involved; they knew how to amplify the human genome to take a punch from her at a small fraction of her power. Had they not turned them into incomprehensible idiot monsters, she would’ve been a little impressed. But there was more to metabiology and genome melding than flipping a switch. She snapped to above the subject, slamming it downward into the streets below—knocking it cold. Looking over to the remaining three she wondered at that moment about who they used to be before they signed up for this terrible experiment. After they and the fire were dealt with would she be able to investigate the computers inside the burning lab before some failsafe activated? Probably not. But it was worth a look. This fight wouldn’t take much longer now that she saw their endurance and speed in action. Not too much longer at all. [/indent]