[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=cyan]Carolina Reed[/color][/h1] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3u59yAbBa1r4kfic.gif[/img] [I][color=cyan]Location: Galactus' Ship, Outside of the Phalanx Room Skills: N/A[/color][/I][/center] [hr][hr] Carolina closed her eyes a little bit and sighed, seeing that Annie was doing alright for the most part, still looking pretty bloody at the moment still. She turned her attention when she heard a rather loud thud happen on the ground, seeing Lance Hulk's body collapse onto the ground. Her eyes slowly went up seeing Lance was just floating there awkwardly above his body, it kind of reminded her of her very first out of body experience. [color=cyan]"I kind of forced him out of his body I think?"[/color] Carolina said, surprised that her idea had actually worked in the first place as well. Carolina quickly made her way over to where Lance's unconscious body was, and looked up at him since she was the only one who could see and hear him. [color=cyan]"Don't worry you aren't dead Lance, I kind of forced you out of your body because you apparently Hulked out like your dad. It was kind of in the spur of the moment, and didn't think it would actually work. But you should be able to go back into your body easily just by laying in it."[/color] Carolina explained, that's how she always did it when possessing someone or returning to her own body. [hr][hr] [center][color=696969][h1]Bethany Bell[/h1][/color] [img]https://media0.giphy.com/media/o0VVs736skEw/giphy.gif[/img] [I][color=696969]Location: Galactus' Ship, Random Cell With A Bunch of Pissed Off People Skills: Shadow Manipulation[/color][/i][/center] [hr][hr] Bethany looked at the others as Allison went to see if she could get some more information, she was glad that they didn't actually go with the idea of flirting with the Silver Surfer. There was at least one potential alien from what Allison said that they could maybe help them against the Silver Surfer. And the cell wasn't to far from where they were right now either which was also a good thing to, she rubbed her arm slightly. [color=696969]"Alright then lets break the guy out we will be right back."[/color] Bethany said looking back at Mary and gently held onto her shoulder and then she used her powers to transport them out of the hallway. When they came to the cell Bethany looked around before spotting [url=https://oyster.ignimgs.com/wordpress/stg.ign.com/2018/04/shiar-lilandra.jpg?fit=bounds&width=640&height=480]a bunch of pissed off aliens[/url] and weapons pointed directly at them. Bethany held up her arms looking a little bit nervous that they weren't in the correct cell. [color=696969]"Sooooo, I guess this isn't the correct cell."[/color] Bethany said awkwardly while looking at her and then the group of aliens. [color=696969]"Hey, guys we can offer you a way out, if you don't hurt us? I'd much rather live and stuff to."[/color] Bethany said nervously.