[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/J0GeLgG.png[/img][/center] [@ERode] [@Ariamis] [@Majoras End] No matter the normal strength, Leena effortlessly threw Dawn for FanFan, the power of urgency and desperation on her side. Dawn fell into a roll as her sword burst away into a cloud of twinkling lights. Her skid came to a stop beside FanFan on her knees, and bracing for the onslaught, ducked her head in a minuscule attempt at furthering her defenses. The severe lightning storm crackled about her, and through the bright flashes she could see each zap vaporize the earth, piece by piece. It was as if a divine hand had flensed dirt and stone from the surface of the planet. When at least the screeching maelstrom subsided, Dawn stood proudly upon a pedestal of rock that had survived thanks to FanFan's shield. It was but the three ladies of the Ascendancy, a charred corpse, and the pitiful remainder that was Celia. Dawn took a step forward towards Anaya's smoking body, and contemplated ending it there and then, despite Celia's plea for help. Still, she was but one of three here. She cast a gaze back to Leena, clearly seeking some guidance. Was this insolent magical girl, incapable even of saving themselves from their own endeavors, worth sparing in the end?