[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/PcjOibw.png[/img][/center] [color=B72F68]Time:[/color] Morning [color=B72F68]Location:[/color] Leblanc Home --> walking [color=B72F68]Interactions:[/color] N/A [color=B72F68]Mentions:[/color] Monica [@baraquiel] Rose [@Tae] Felix [@jetipster] [hr] The rest of the night had been uneventful. Rose had claimed the guy she was talking to was a jerk and she put on quite the act. Violet could tell there was much more to the story, but she also knew she wasn't going to get anything out of Rose that night. She introduced Monica to Felix and Rose and they ended up spending the rest of their time there. Monica was a sweetie. Violet hoped they could grow to be friends. Though a few cute boys had come to the table, Violet wasn't in the mood to flirt as much. She had wanted to stay close to her sister. They had gotten home before midnight and Violet had checked on her pets before going to sleep, snuggling up with Pumpkin and Chéri. [hr] Violet yawned as she woke up to the sound of hungry Pumpkin meowing in her face. Her eyes fluttered open to the sight of the calico cat seated on her chest, staring down at her expectantly. She petted the cat's head with a smile. She then brushed her bangs out of her eyes to glance down at the feeling of fur on her neck. Chéri was across her neck, still asleep like a fancy little scarf. She slowly sat up and picked up Chéri to cradle her. [color=B72F68]"Oh, my hungry little babies."[/color]She cooed. Moving over to Lawrence's habitat, she leaned over and blew a kiss to the tarantula. [color=B72F68]"Good morning, handsome."[/color] She soon made her way downstairs, still in her pajamas and with the ferret in her arms, the cat following behind with excited mewls for her breakfast. Seth Leblanc was in the kitchen, wearing a flour-covered apron. [color=B72F68]"Hey, dad. Everyone else up yet?"[/color]She greeted him as she waved her hand to have the animals' food bowls filled. She set Chéri down and slid herself on to a stool by the counter, yawning once again. [color=EE81AF]"Morning sweetheart. You're the first awake today. You remain the defending champion."[/color] Seth greeted her and moved over to kiss her head. [color=EE81AF]"Any progress on getting a job? Sitting home all day won't give you any inspiration."[/color] He moved back to the stove to continue making pancakes. [color=EE81AF]"There's plenty of places hiring in town."[/color] Violet pouted and stretched her arms across the counters as she thought about it. She should have known he was gonna open this can of worms immediately. Rose had a job already and he was right that she shouldn't spend her time off from school doing nothing. [color=B72F68]"I was thinking of applying to the bakery. I'm not so sure I want to keep up with the computer science major anyway, I'd like to test out my other avenues of expertise."[/color] [color=EE81AF]"Well, you're great at both things, so you'll do fine whatever you choose. You are a Leblanc after all." [/color] Seth grinned as he used the spatula to put some pancakes on her plate. [color=EE81AF]"Why don't you bake a little something to bring there and let them see what you have to offer?"[/color] Violet licked her lips with excitement as she noticed the pancakes were blueberry. She began to cut it neatly with the knife and fork, as she was overly proper with things. [color=B72F68]"Us Leblancs do everything better."[/color]She agreed to his first statement, then tilted her head thoughtfully about the second one. [color=B72F68]"You know maybe I will. But what to make for her..." [/color] She could recall going inside Sweet Keks a few times. The desserts were really good so she had to definitely work hard to impress the woman in there. She had definitely seemed shorthanded at least; it was one of the only bakeries in town so it got mobbed due to its fantastic reputation.[color=B72F68]"I don't know how to make anything german."[/color] [color=EE81AF]"You don't have to. When you're applying for a job, you're selling yourself. Make something that will introduce the baker to who you are." [/color] Seth told her and she smiled faintly. It sounded like something her mother would have said years ago. Though it seemed like a cliche, she had always been telling them to be themselves all the time. She had clearly rubbed off on Seth even after all this time. It was comforting in a way. [color=B72F68]"Maybe I'll make some macarons. I saw them for sale there and I think she'd appreciate a take on it from a girl who lived in Paris for a while." [/color]Violet said thoughtfully. She decided she'd probably make raspberry macarons. They were the best. However, she was going to need some supplies. She glanced out the window. Normally, she could just conjure everything she needed, but it was raining outside. It was great weather to take a walk and get out a bit. She had a new lovely umbrella that she wanted to use too. Plus, she knew her dad would lecture her about using magic to cheat her way through life. He did it to both her and Rose any time they took shortcuts. [color=EE81AF]"Yeah that's a great idea!"[/color]Seth agreed then suddenly bellowed through the house, [color=EE81AF]"PANCAKES! HURRY! Get them while they're hot!"[/color] She giggled. Seth was too much dad for anyone to handle sometimes. Violet got up once she had completed her pancake to go upstairs and dress. She returned after a few moments in a [url=https://i.imgur.com/2XbMFMI.png]pastel yellow sweater with a white, detailed collar complete with a pink bow, and a peach skirt[/url]. Her hair was up in a ponytail with a pink ribbon. She had a bag with her and a kitty-cat umbrella. Chéri hopped into the bag and peaked her head out. She giggled, [color=B72F68]"Oh mon Chéri, of course, you wanna come to the grocery store." [/color] [color=EE81AF]"Violet. Don't let anyone see Chéri..."[/color]Seth told her uneasily.[color=EE81AF] "Hunters are trained to look for those with familiars. Be careful."[/color] Violet frowned and patted the ferret's head gently to urge her to hide.[color=B72F68] "I think most people will just recognize me as the weird ferret mom I am. See you later dad. Give Felix and Rose my love. "[/color] She planned to chat with Rose later about what had happened last night. It wasn't a good idea to let her get secretive again. As for her father's warning, Violet did get nervous when it came to hunters. After all, she had gone through a very awful ordeal with them when she was quite young. However, she still refused to let that fear control her life. In fact, it was something she wanted to directly fight. She opened her umbrella once outside and began her walk to the grocery store. The sound of pitter-patter on her umbrella was relaxing and she loved the smell of rain in the air.