[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/354679963594784768/640596225653080065/Uy6VzGT.png[/img][/center][hr][color=gold]"Thank you. But, have a little more shame, Aria,"[/color] Clair said as she set her feet on the ground once again. She picked her jacket's hood back from Kanbaru and looked around. [color=gold]"It seems that we are all here again, huh? Anyway..."[/color] [color=gold]"This small one is Rose, and the booby one is Kanbaru, I don't think I got the other's names but they certainly should know the biggest thief in the land: Me, Clair! Oh, and this flashy one is Aria. She's what happens when you listen to weirdoes that say it's right to pick up girls in a dungeon."[/color] Clair did her abridged introductions, point to everyone around while the fox behind her pouted. [color=skyblue]"Boo boo, you could at least have said I'm the one and only Paladin of the Squall. When will I ever get any respect?"[/color] [color=gold]"Maybe when you start to behave like someone of your age?"[/color] [color=skyblue]"Hey! Age is just a number, you know? Also, this me is a lovely flower blooming in the fresh spring breeze. You can't call me old because you know my great-great-grandaughter or something like this."[/color] Aria coughed lightly, righting her posture when Caprice and Takara spoke.[color=skyblue]"Why thank you! The youth these days is really charming,"[/color] she said, doing a nearly U-turn personality-wise. [color=skyblue]"My my, what a nice boy. You are even cuter than I thought. Here, have this candy."[/color] [center]—X X X—[/center] Just as Aria pulled a bright aqua-colored, marble-like candy from one of her pockets and knelt to give it to Takara while petting his sleepy head, the whole group was finally caught by the long arm of the law. [color=goldenrod]"Stop right there! This time you have nowhere to run to. Surrender yourselves to the Student Council and maybe I'll be nice and not chain you up,"[/color] Iona said, or rather yelled, from her perch atop one of the nearby rooftops. She looked down upon everyone with her arms crossed her chest, almost as if she were taunting anyone to not follow her orders. Whether the thoughts of rebellion still crossed the minds of the group, or if they were even aware of what was going on in the first place, didn't matter in the great scheme of things. If you don't go to the Council, the Council will come for you. [color=slategray]"You have done well, Iona. However, I believe there's no need to be so heavy-handed with our 'guests',"[/color] an inconspicuous-looking boy wearing a heavy coat and scarf over a dark school uniform said as he walked towards the group from behind the lined-up police cruisers. [color=slategray]"Please, forgive my assistant. She has a tendency to get overzealous every now and then,"[/color] the boy who [url=https://www.zerochan.net/930523]wouldn't look out of place as the generic protagonist of a light novel series[/url] spoke again. Iona's composure was shattered for a moment as soon as she laid eyes on the newest arrival to the scene. She recovered her bearings as fast as she lost them and flew to the ground, standing beside the inconspicuous boy with a surprised look in her eyes. [color=goldenrod]"Mast—I mean, President, what are you doing in a place like this?"[/color] she said in a voice that was nothing like the harsh, imperious tone she was wielding until a moment ago. [color=slategray]"I was having something to eat. Even the School Council's President needs food, right?"[/color] the boy said to Iona before turning his attention to the group once again. [color=slategray]"Setting that aside. Apologies once again, but I must insist that you follow us. There are many things we must discuss about your stay in this City on the Edge of Midnight."[/color] [hr]