[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/Dfbnxwgc/8376b9373ea93d2f7caf58aaaae4702c.png[/img][/center] [center][h2]Kalla[/h2][/center] [hr] Despite Sev's little joke about the strange man, it was undeniable that whoever, or whatever he was, he was a threat. For Maeve, Sev and anyone minimally sensitive to magic, it was obvious that he was much more than just a bandit. He was not on the same level the thugs they had fought earlier were. [color=6ecff6]"I don't think he might be just another bandit, Sev... Prepare yourself."[/color] Maeve said, breathing deeply and trying to gather every ounce of strength she could from her tired body. It wasn't long until the strange figure finally spoke with them after Sev arrived. As he began speaking, Maeve couldn't help but doubt the man's sanity. Glorifying the exploded corpse, the still frozen bodies of the thugs Maeve herself killed and the literal bloodbath Allard caused made it clear for Maeve that the man wasn't all that right in the head. As he finished speaking, the strange figure finally introduced himself, bringing down the farming tool, destroying the monument he was standing on with a single blow, making Maeve immediately unsheathe her rapier in a combat stance. Strangely enough, as the strange figure, called Bardus, floated to the ground, the fragments of the destroyed monument were falling in slow motion, almost if they were floating, despite the lack of any wind magic that could have explained such thing. The moment Bardus touched the ground though, the destroyed monument was released from whatever was making it act like that, falling to the ground, accompanied with a terrifying wave of power. Upon being hit by that wave, Maeve couldn't feel her ice magic anymore, almost as if whatever power Bardus used had blocked it off. Maeve was truly concerned as she heard Bardus yelling that he was going to announce the coming of his king with their blood. A fight was clearly unavoidable and not only Maeve was exhausted after everything that happened, but her magic apparently wouldn't work against him as well... Of course, Sev was together with her but she was unsure of how capable he was without his magic...