[@Xaltwind] Shes only murderous because shes got a plan to kill everyone she meets. :P [youtube]https://youtu.be/9NZDwZbyDus?t=75[/youtube] Overall she just wants to love everyone and make everyone happy. [@Lugubrious] That one was pretty good! Need more wise cracking Graft. [@Stern Algorithm] Hope Salem doesn't get on Light's bad side. it takes awhile to get there, but yeah, making the happy go lucky person mad tends to not end well xD. [@Lucius Cypher] I'm A-ok with the skeletons and Graft's workers having a bit of a social network and chatting with each other, occasionally spreading gossip. That sounds hilarious! I'd also add Gromgard and his goblins to the mix, but... do they speak common or goblin? xD