[h3]Melanie and Diana[/h3] [@Gentlemanvaultboy][@Crowvette][@rawkhawk64][@Scarifar] Not-Melanie kept on smiling, as she tried to pry Diana out of Andra's arms, her eyes looking Ria up and down. "It was pragmatism, miss Sunshine..." The being who was in control of Melanie chuckled so slightly. It felt [i]wrong.[/i] "After all, our dear...brave witch is more adept at riding solo. Tis' a pity. Magicians make the finest vessels." She added, as she extender her hand, and something began to materialize from it. It wasn't Melanie's power. It felt... way [i]darker[/i], as if it was connecting with some other place. Mists began to flow, engulfing Melanie's figure as some sort of shadowy, billowing cloak. And then [i]It[/i] took form in Not-Melanie's hand. The essence of Death itself. Most people would see a Scythe. Kings would see a Sword. But everyone would see it as the Reaper's weapon it was. "But to fight a god... you might as well need a little help from a Moira like me. I'm usually in charge of ... terminating life projects, but you people are -highly- amusing." "And your opponent will be no slouch." She added, looking at the still irresponsive Diana. [hr] [h3]Blackgate Household[/h3] Hands traced the still hot and tender figure, as the aroma of carnal pleasure permeated the room. The demon of desire felt giddy, as she soon realized her newest machination had borne fruit. Just needed a little more of time and... "Moom, are the cookies done yet?" said the shrill voice of the flying ten-year old, half demon, half little girl. All obnoxious. That was Annah, sibling of Meredith and Zack. She and her twin brother were spending some quality time with the matriarch of the house. Mona knew how to pamper the siblings well. They were her most... pliable and prized children of the lot. Perhaps, in this kind of backwards situation, things were sometimes going her way. Playing with that boy hero had also been highly amusing. He had never expected her blows, to be honest, and seeing the bravado chafe under the inability to go until the bitter end. So unlike someone she knew. Well, probably that sort of wishy washy personality had rubbed off on her eldest, but she had always been a papa's kid, that one. She never knew whether to hate or love herself that one. [color=9e0b0f]"Just a bit more, Annah."[/color] She cooed. And then the doorbell rang. Nyxdaemona, strutting full of pride went to open the door. Maybe it was some kind of friend or mail. Her expression soured slightly when she found some scrawny teenager... girl...boy thing. He had also some kind of sword replica at the hip, and was wearing a mask. Gods, this one was worse than the eyepatch girl who called herself a Demon Lady. [color=9e0b0f]"Yes? I'm a bit busy."[/color] "Oh, pardon me... madam." The boy said in a melodious voice. "I am currently conducting a small survey for my... teacher." [color=9e0b0f]"Ok, Fine. What's this about?"[/color] "Oh, just pollution. Don't you feel there's... a bit more of it these days?" The teenager said. [color=9e0b0f]"Is that a question, or a statement?"[/color] Mona decided she wasn't liking this idiot goodie two shoes, but it wasn't like she couldn't claw his eyes out after tearing his mask. "Just small talk, because I truly... don't like doing this." The boy answered. [color=9e0b0f]"...You'd like to play hero with that thing at your hip? Be careful to not cut yourself."[/color] "I try not to. Being cut... sucks." The boy droned. "I'm...actually looking for Alex." [color=9e0b0f]"Alex?" [/color] "Or you know... Demon lady Andras, whatever." This boy was really wasting her time. Nyxdaemona sighed at him, before turning her back on it. [color=9e0b0f]"Haven't seen her on a while. Went with that boy's girl tick or whatever. Now if you'll excuse, I need to feed my children." [/color] She added, grumbling. It was then when her hair stood on her back. She should have never let the lad out of her sight. She felt something incredibly dangerous. She had to [i]move[/i]. Her legs, as if possesed by springs, jumped at the last second the breeze hit her. The adrenaline made her felt light. Her dismembered left arm helped too. She eyed the severed limb with incredulity, as she identified that in fact, that weapon the boy was carrying was not a toy, but a tool of murder... in the capable hands of someone able to making a skilled [i]fast draw[/i]. [color=9e0b0f]"What...are you."[/color] She snarled, as the boy took his sweet time to enter the house and close the door after him, his tranquility was eerie, knowing she was facing a wounded and angry demon. But still... that aura... it felt on the same level as his husband. "A sloppy.. assasin it seems. Can't even take some demonic trash. But don't you worry. Your kids... I will feed them your cookies." Celestine Lightbringer said as he kept walking towards Mona. He reeled, as some of the glyphs hit him. Mind-control ones? [i]Utterly useless.[/i] He answered in kind, a throwing dart lodging in her gut. Mona didn't feel anything, except her own body becoming limp and dead quickly. "Uh, I guess that much of conotoxin works on fiends." The masked assaulter gloated before quickly closing in the gap, and putting the sword to her neck. It was then when he was greeted by two snarling bat-winged kids, spouting half-snarling threats. "Ah hell." The assassin added. "Uhuh, don't move. You probably don't want mother dearest to lose weight upwards the neck, don't you?" The masked slicer added. "But since things have turned this way... I will let you choose, Hell's best mom. One of your crotchspawn, and I will leave you alone. How's the sound of that? Or you know... you could die." Nyxdaemona panicked so slightly, and tried to form words.[color=9e0b0f]"Z..za.."[/color] Zack. He was a bit meeker than Anna. Not a good fit for a demon of seduction. She could always have more. Yes, maybe that was a solution to regroup and turn the tables on this perp, maybe she could... Her trains of thought stopped as she noticed how bloody her body was, and the stump of her neck was bleeding heavily. "Wrong answer, mom. Really wrong answer." Celestine snarled, as he looked at his handiwork. One filthy demon less in the world. But those little brats were about to get ballistic. He stood up and analyzed the situation, before wiping the sword of the filthy creature's blood. "Best is about to happen, lil brats." He added. "Take cover...if you can." He eyed the situation, his eyes bleeding under his mask, as he realized, computed, and analyzed. The solution was beneath him all the time. He took one of his knives, and threw it accurately. It hit the lightbulb. Then the stove ignited., causing a pipe to begin pooling water in more electrical circuits. By now the fire would extend to the main pipe and the electrical shortcircuit would propagate it to the nearby buildings. Celestine took a run for the door, as the two alarmed demon kids forgot about their vengeance and darted past him. No less than three houses exploded. Celestine brushed out the dirt of his clothes, and looked once more at the terrified, fleeing demon twins. Well, they weren't his target, anyway. He noticed, amidst the light ringing and concussion, one of the so called cookies in the ground. "It tastes...burnt." He finished, before getting out of the scene before the witnesses and the police could piece what was going on.