[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190811/ebaf9cbdde92c7897e853938cfe68fe5.png[/img] [color=6E8E67]Location:[/color] Eldra, Shalador[/center][hr][hr] She was dazed and damn mad at herself. How selfish and foolish could she be. She had put everyone in danger because she had wanted a taste of freedom. Because she had wanted to know what was at the end of that pull. It had turned out to be awful. And full of awe. She didn't want it, want him. She shuddered as she remembered the electric jolt that had run through her body when she touched him. It was... disgusting? She couldn't place it and she didn't want to. Fatima slowly lowered her veil as Jandar exited the bookshop. She stood in silence a moment as Mikhail also left the store. [color=6E8E67]"It would seem I ruin the day yet again."[/color] Her laugh was dry and cold. She approached the counter of the bookstore, searching for the man who ran the shop. Perhaps they could take haven if paid enough. She didn't have a lot. And once the night fell, as the black jeweled man had suggested, they would slip away. How dare he take away her disguise. She had needed that. And now her face was what... Normal? She scrubbed her hands over her face, thinking hard for a minute before she finally thought to do it herself. She had never relied on the jewels before to give her what she needed. She had her own wit and ways. She had survived out here in the wilds by herself and by the gods she would do it again. She would get everyone out of here even if it killed her. Though that was not the desired outcome, of course. She summoned her box of tricks and produced a mirror in an attempt to work her hand at the fine magic of deception. It took some work with the hand mirror but she eventually got the look right. Not nearly as perfect as the Black Widow woven disguise had been but she did look a thing of utter disgust. Blotchy skin, a lump on her cheek, moles with hair growing from them - it was all rather unsightly. Easily spotted beneath the truth of broad daylight but the veil would at least keep the illusion alive a while longer. She vanished the box and mirror once satisfied before exiting the bookstore to join the group. [color=6E8E67]"We should at least wait until dusk, when the light will be kinder to my horrors. It would seem the harsh day has done a number on my humors and ailments." [/color] She said softly. [color=6E8E67]"Perhaps the shop keep would be kind enough to let us stay a while."[/color]