[@IceHeart] The concept I was looking to do was establish some sort of "galaxy brain" type of character able to make predictions based off of mathematic principles rather than something like divination, but also with levels of more mystical prediction baked in. The first idea I had was accessing parallel universes through the mind, essentially gathering the experiences from other versions of the character in order to find more hints to a monster's weakness. Other ability ideas I had were things like accessing multiple parallel selves in order to make a hyper-cognitive "think tank", and just classic parallel self spam later down the line. Essentially just a dialed down, intrinsic version of D4C. If parallel universes are too much of an issue or complication, I'm totally fine with just having another power in mind. The only things I'm super attached to are high-speed calculations and being able to think with the capacity of multiple brains, basically like a mental conference, or one of those five-minute thought montages that take the actual span of a few seconds.