Finally finished. [hider=Ink] [b][color=red]Name[/color][/b]: Incurro II "Ink" Lysander [b][color=red]Age[/color][/b]: 14 [b][color=red]Nationality[/color][/b]: Italian (Though his ethnicity does not match) [b][color=red]Rank[/color][/b]: 43 [b][color=red]Appearance[/color][/b]: [img][/img] [b][color=red]Personality[/color][/b]: Ink is pretty friendly, and for an introvert, he's pretty sociable too. Although he tends to avoid approaching others for no reason, he's the curious type, so he's open to trying new things and attempting to befriend others with similar interests. He's a bit of an idealist, eager to indulge in the hypothetical, but that's not to be confused with naivety, as he is slow to trust others. [b][color=red]Quirk[/color][/b]: Cryptopsychology [b][color=red]Type[/color][/b]: Emitter [b][color=red]Effect[/color][/b]: Ink has a tattoo-like marking of an eye on his body. It can travel along his skin, albeit it's slow and highly sensitive to touch. Damage to the eye is very painful, and can cause Ink to pass out. Cutting the eye will cause anything created by Ink's quirk to melt back into black fluid, but Ink will be unable to move the eye or use his quirk while it is healing. By focusing on a particular emotion, Ink will be able to see a creature representative of that emotion within the eye's pupil, possessing humanoid traits mixed with animalistic traits depending on the emotion. These traits are arranged somewhat haphazardly, and therefore the end result tends to look bizarre. His quirk is activated by squeezing his eye a bit, causing it to release a viscous black fluid which quickly takes the shape of the creature. Once it has finished taking shape, it will animate, and has complete autonomy. They will behave like wild animals, though their disposition is influenced by whatever emotion was used in their creation. They are also begrudgingly hesitant to harm Ink, as they will know by instinct what happens when his eye is harmed. After creating one, Ink is unable to create an additional creature for a few hours afterward, though damage to his eye may restrict him further. Ink has determined that Anger, Disgust, Fear, Joy, and Sadness correspond to Reptilian, Insectoid, Mammalian, Avian, and Floral traits, respectively. No matter what emotion is used in their creation, they possess an identifying eye marking somewhere on their body, though it is not sensitive like Ink's own marking. When the creature is slain, it will dissolve back into black fluid. Ink has a number of theories of what his quirk [i]should be able[/i] to do, but no matter how hard he tries, the creatures he creates never seem to act the way he wants them to. [b][color=red]History[/color][/b]: He was named Incurro the second, after his father, and is referred to as Ink or Junior in his household. He was born in the USA, but moved to Italy at a young age. When asked why they moved, his father says it's because it's what his mother wanted, while his mother says it's because the Adriatic sea is haunted, as if that's a good thing. His mother is "The Occult Hero, Esoterica", and his father is a reformed villain who changes occupations frequently. Despite this, they've never failed to provide loving guidance as he grew up. From a young age, Ink thought his family wasn't normal, but it took quite a while for him to think he wasn't normal either. The first time Ink had used his quirk was in pre-school, though it is also where he first developed a phobia of his quirk. after getting angry at a classmate, he accidentally created a crocodile of sorts, which bit their arm. His classmate broke a bone, but everyone else was unharmed while it was dealt with. He later learned how to dissolve the creatures his quirk created, but the pain involved in doing so certainly didn't help. For a while he thought he'd just learn to live without his quirk, but his mother insisted he should learn how to use his quirk. After the first few training sessions didn't go so well, he started to vehemently deny her, so all she could do was try to get Ink interested in his quirk the way she was. As Ink grew, so too did the creatures he could create. Although he didn't exactly use his quirk often, he did eventually learn how to gain a preview of the creature, and took to doodling them. As "The Occult Hero", his mother had a fascination with the paranormal, and would constantly ask what Ink could see within his eye marking. She would even ask for a drawing sometimes, some of which are, to this day, framed on their wall, no matter how much Ink asks her to take them down. In spite of the way she went about it, Ink came to feel the same way. As products of the mind, his creatures were always changing, shaped by the nuance of his feelings and what his feelings were caused by. Even if he was scared of using his quirk, his morbid curiosity kept him coming back to look through the eye, earning him a reputation in elementary and middle school as that weird kid who keeps staring at his bizarre tattoo. When the object of your fascination is so close, one will of course want to see it as more than a simple image. As such, Ink eventually continued the training sessions he had with his parents when he was just a kid, and although he still didn't like them much, the caveats of his quirk weren't as big of a deal as they were when he was a kid. In a lot of ways, it was like getting over a fear of needles. He doesn't feel like he's made much progress, since his creations are always out of his control, but he's at least gotten used to the basics of using it. As Ink started to hit puberty, his [url=]eighth-grader syndrome[/url] flared up, and he came to keep a collection of drawings in what he calls his [i]Atramentomicon[/i]. At least, that's what it's labeled on the first page. If anyone asks, he'll just say it's a journal, which is technically true, since he tends to write about the feelings associated with each creature drawing. He believes it's of vital importance, since he tries (and fails) to use it to determine what specific physical traits correspond to what feelings, though realistically it just has a lot of sentimental value. Because of his interest in it, his inability to competently use his quirk freely is very depressing to him, so even though he hasn't entirely decided if he wants to be a hero or not, he accepted his mother's suggestion to attend New Heights' hero course. If nothing else, he believes that coming to understand his quirk will make him a better zoologist or veterinarian, his other two favored options. [b][color=red]Exam Report[/color][/b]: Ink, at the beginning of his exam, was wildly successful, as the exam didn't measure control at all. He unleashed a large, vicious quadruped with the traits of a bull. It would mow down robots and even attack other students while Ink followed it around at a safe distance, trying to stay out of its way and picking up ribbons in its wake. Unfortunately, keeping his distance from it meant people could sneak up on him and knock him out in one swift blow. Ink didn't catch sight of the person who knocked him out, nor was he sure how they knocked him out, but when he woke up, his eye had a small wound, possibly from falling onto rubble, and all of his ribbons were gone. Also, the exam had ended, putting him in the bottom ten. [hider=Theme] [youtube][/youtube] [/hider] [/hider]