[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/5tOfSKW.png[/img] [sub][color=#9370DB][b]Location:[/b][/color] Class -> Cafeteria [color=#9370DB][b]Time:[/b][/color] Morning [color=#9370DB][b]Mentions:[/b][/color] Felix Ivanov [@Otterpop] [color=#9370DB][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] Felix Ivanov [@Otterpop], Luke Mayfield [@Always], Maxwell Thomas [@shylarah], Open [/sub] [/center][hr] [indent]A student in sore need of a haircut introduced himself out of the blue and joined them. He simply gave a curt nod to the long-haired fellow. Next he shot him a confused look at his comment about breakups and Jason wondered if he was talking about him and Felix. Seemed very touchy and physical, he wasn't entirely sure what to think about him. [color=#9370DB]"Jason."[/color] He replied in one, introductory word. Surely they'll get what he meant. Jason cracked his soda open and began lazily unwrapping his sandwich. Before he could take a bite a familiar face joined him on the not-so-empty-anymore table. It was Maxell, one of the few people who go out of their way to associate with him- not that he mind. From the few interactions they had he seemed like a decent guy; if a bit nosey. In their last meeting he had to defend the doctor-in-training when he tried to optimistically intervene. [color=#9370DB]"This morning has been tiresome."[/color] Jason said in-between bites. He'd rather avoid another reprimand from Maxwell regarding fights. [color=#9370DB]"Nothing like that. Just a very dumb misunderstanding that I don't care to fix."[/color] Halfway through his sandwich he noticed a few students now eyed the peculiar mix of outcasts. It was definitely a weird lineup, he'd say only Maxwell was 'normal', if, again, too nosey for his own good. He'd only heard bits and pieces about Luke, mostly that he had a temper and was a party animal. Felix, well, he may be more of an outcast than Jason. [color=#9370DB]"Eh."[/color] Jason replied to Felix with a blank face, assessing that he was fine if he was that snarky. [color=#9370DB]"Seems like you're not doing a good job; you look more rattled than 'crazy'."[/color] [color=#9370DB]"Maxwell what's your diagnosis on that student over there?"[/color] He said half-jokingly, pointing his can towards Felix.[color=#9370DB]"He's grinning at his own joke so he may be fine."[/color] [/indent]