Stefan Bridges. [hider=ROUGH draft]Name: Stefan Bridges. Hates being called Stef or Steve [“one is feminine, one isn’t my name”]. More commonly goes by Bridges as it stuck in the military. Also goes by B or Stuffy. Gender: Male. Age: 31 years old. Birthplace: Drukau US AFB, Poland. Appearance and personality: Stefan is a very transparent person most of the time, at least in his reaction towards others. This can be great if the reaction is positive and very intimidating if not. From his time in service, he is very confident and engaging, often to the point it can rub people the wrong way or be awkward. Many see as annoying. Many as amazingly nice. It’s a very mixed bag. His appearance is always clean and professional. His military experience allowed him the privilege to carry a firearm while working security at the hospital but he hasn’t worn it a single day. With the outbreak of the pandemic, Stefan took it upon himself to outwardly try to act as a bulwark for people. He took a LOT of time to maintain his appearance, keep up his routine [it was hard to admit some nights that it WAS forced more than in the past, as of late] and make sure to try to be some sort of support whenever possible. When people started calling off shifts [some only to later show up and check themselves in as sick patients], he was sure to take shifts and offer and help he could. Biography: Stefan was born on a US Air Force Base in Poland. His mother was a Canadian member of the Royal Navy and his father was in the US Air Force, he was an only child. This meant that to a degree, he was a citizen of Poland, Canada, and the United States. Both of his parents settled down in the upper peninsula of Michigan, then moved back and forth between there and Ontario, Canada. Mainly living in Canada but having lots of friends and some family in the US, it was a wonderful childhood. Lots of traveling, lots of experiences and new places. For the most part, he hated the life in the upper parts of Michigan, it was too slow and there was nothing to do except drive to places where people DID THINGS. The one GREAT thing about living in Michigan, living away from people, and having a father and mother in the military is that they loved GUNS. THAT was the one thing he’d stay home for. He took to target shooting and excelled but never found a love for hunting. Only the outdoors, and only guns, but not the marriage of the two it seemed to involve animals. On his 18th birthday, tragedy struck as his parents took him to enlist into the Marines. It was hotly contested for days [they seemed oblivious to the truth, that had they not argued so vehemently, he probably would have lost interest], and finally they “agreed” so long as they could take him. After signing up and driving home, the family vehicle was involved in a crash. He suffered a laceration on his neck and almost died, while his father didn’t survive. His mother broke her back and to this day has many issues with pain and mobility. Sadly, after all of that, his mother seemed distant and almost hostile towards him at times. Many of the family did, and it wasn’t until years later that it actually sunk in why: many blamed him and his decision. After 8 years of service and an honorable discharge, he moved to Toronto. After his third deployment, he was injured in a humvee accident and staying in was going to be a LOT harder with those injuries to contend with. SO, Toronto it was...He figured it was far enough from his family that he could start over, but close enough so that if he needed to reach out or still talk to individuals, they were close...ENOUGH. For the past 2 years he has been working as a security guard at the Toronto Medical Facilities, generally rotating between 3 buildings. Quirks: He is often engaging but seems distant, many take it slightly personal. He will be looking into your eyes one moment, then seeming to look around at anything BUT you the next. Conversations aren’t an issue, it’s just very awkward and off-putting. He speaks, then thinks. Often not JUDGING, but he developed the habit of often literally thinking through something out loud. “My mouth is quicker than my mind” is something he says often. He is very and openly apologetic when he DOES rub the wrong way. Because of this, people generally afterwards seem to love or hate him. His left arm seems to almost always be bent slightly and near his waste, almost as if it is an injury of sorts. [/hider]