[center] "Enough." Kevin said as he slammed his cane to the ground making a booming sound as if the man had set off C4 himself. He looked around to his cohort that was around the room, the ones that were there anyway. After clearing his voice and regaining his composure he went over to the holo pad and turned it off to cut off Fake ID's transmission. "We're not going in and killing everyone if security resists they'll be corpsed. There isn't much reason to suspect there won't be more than just regular security. Also, I don't want to put on a fucking public enemy episode because someone was too trigger happy." He gestured to the bag, referring to Kurt at the moment. "It's our gear for the heist, the plan for the heist goes unchanged except I forgot about Jackie - she'll go with the rear team. Move-in hit hard and play to win, should be an easy score. Keep your petty rivalries in check, I don't care about the drug shit to be honest doc - but if you're fucked on this heist and get pinched. Tough luck." He said before lighting up a Devil's Advocate cigarette, the stage was set for the heist. "If you need me, you know where to find me, people." Exhaling a plume of black smoke he walked away to his office in the hangout.[/center]