[indent][h3][color=teal]Jamie Teale[/color][/h3][/indent] [color=teal][hr][/color] Jamie looked at the back of Scott's head and then nodded. After a moment she threw her hands in the air, frustrated. "Whatever! Guess I'll wait then." She plopped herself back down in a seat, her arm splayed across the table as she leaned far back, almost parallel to the table, drumming her fingers impatiently. "If another wave of Vlhakians are coming we're already fuckin' dead. I don't know how they got so damn close without anyone knowing. Did that have to do with all this Robins-is-a-spy bullshit? Jesus Christ, how the hell are we supposed to protect this country with this infrastructure supporting us?" She ranted uselessly. "Well, shit. Atleast Jackson's alive." She slapped the table. "I just hope we can actually get our shit in gear enough to actually counter attack before next Christmas. Currently not very confident in that at all."