[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/FKJKRczH/the-gifted-591b350cc9ba7.png[/img][hr][img]https://i.postimg.cc/sD5dWMbb/source.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][@Nallore][@FantasyChic][@BlueSky44][@Achronum][@Trainerblue192][@KazAlkemi][@Framing A Moose][/center][hr][center][h3][color=f7941d][b]Washington D.C.: September 10th, 2020 - 1:50 PM[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/WpKJC0mt/image.png[/img][/center][hr][color=f7941d][b]The Training Room - Shaw Industries...[/b][/color] [color=11FCBC]"They've commandeered a submarine. If the Scarlet Witch assists their speed, they should arrive at the harbor in thirty minutes,"[/color] Sage reported. Emma observed the scene, her face expressionless as Max impaled Anastasia's foot with a metal rod. They had world class medical facilities on hand, complete with blood samples from Wolverine to allow for accelerated healing. [color=E0F6FD]"I'll collect you both when you've finished your session,"[/color] she told Max and Leighton. Both of them seemed to be more or less engaged at the moment, so she smiled before leaving the room. She had Legion to attend to, after all. The metal rod dislodged itself from Anastasia's foot, flying into Polaris' hand. [color=A9F8C7]"You need to focus - substance over style,"[/color] she recommended to Max. [color=A9F8C7]"Once you've mastered the basics, then you can pull things out of hats. Unless you [i]meant[/i] to impale her foot on a rod? Then well done."[/color] Magneto had no desire at all to work with Max and Leighton. Leighton's powers were rather weak - he had seen better ice manipulators in his time, one named Iceman came to mind. And just as his favorite daughter had indicated, Max lacked control. [color=FF5733]"Since there are four of you present, the remainder of this training session will be team [i]sparring.[/i]"[/color] Magneto then glided over to the north and south walls, plastering a white flag on the northern and a black flag on the southern. He then used his control over metal to etch a line across the middle of the room, a horrible scrapping noise accompanying the action - like fingers on a chalkboard. [color=FF5733]"The team to retrieve the other's flag and cross the line with it will be the victor."[/color] [color=A9F8C7]"What're the teams?"[/color] Polaris asked. [color=FF5733]"Polaris, you'll be paired with... Leighton,"[/color] Magneto decided. [color=FF5733]"Anastasia, you have the boy."[/color] Polaris shrugged, before stepping over to the southern side of the room. She and Leighton would be the black team, Anastasia and Max the white. [color=f7941d][b]The Raft - Location Classified...[/b][/color] Wanda rolled her eyes slightly at Jinx, seeing his failed attempts at knocking the guards down. With a bit of a red shockwave she sent the guards flying, sending them into the wall. [color=red]"Let's get out of here already."[/color] More guards would doubtlessly come to accost them if they spent a second more out in the open. The Three in One let go of each other, their eyes still that brilliant uncanny blue. [color=3D5DC3]"We're ready,"[/color] they announced, having obtained the information on how to pilot the submarine. They walked in unison over to the sub, heading through the open door and they took over the cockpit, so to speak. Phoebe was using her telepathy to control those up in the control booth, getting things on that end ready to go for their escape. Sophie and Esme were busy with the controls on the sub itself. [color=3D5DC3]"Wanda, close the door,"[/color] Sophie and Esme said in unison. Making sure that Jinx was on board, Wanda then closed the door they had entered through, securing the sub. A moment later, Esme's controlled operators raised a gigantic wall in front of the submarine, before opening up the "air lock." Water flooded in, submerging the sub, and the Three in One then fired up the engines as fast as possible, shooting the craft out of the Raft. [color=3D5DC3]"If you wouldn't mind giving us an assist in speed,"[/color] the Three in One requested. Esme was now piloting solo, while Sophie and Phoebe were attempting to figure out their geographic location. [hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/5yqyXQGW/image.png[/img][/center][hr][color=f7941d][b]New Mutant Underground Hideout...[/b][/color] There was a loud gust of wind near the entrance to the Underground, and another gust whirled by Waverly, going in and out of rooms, all she'd see would be a glimpse of silver rushing around. Suddenly the silver blur raced right towards her and came to a full screeching stop. Standing in front of her with a silver leather jacket, goggles, and pulling earbuds out of his ears that were connected to a Walkman, was none other than [url=https://www.starsjackets.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Quicksilver-X-Men-Days-of-Future-Past-Silver-Jackets.jpg]Quicksilver[/url]. [color=7ea7d8]"Hey there, where is everyone or is it just you?"[/color] he asked her as he moved the goggles onto being on the top of his head. He also pulled out what she'd be able to see was a Twinkie as he opened up the wrapper and started eating it. Thinking for a moment, he pulled another one out of his pocket and held it out to her, [color=7ea7d8]"Want one? Anyway, any idea where Veil is? I got asked to play messenger pigeon for Xavier since the last time I did that worked out sooooooo well. But that's besides the point, I was supposed to tell her that Xavier is going to be coming by later... Is it just you here?"[/color] [color=f7941d][b]The Cherry Bomb - Sinister's Lair...[/b][/color] Blink closed off her portals once everyone going on the mission had come through to the basement of the Cherry Bomb. The basement was furnished like an elegant study lounge in a wealthy manor, the sort of place where fine literature was read and correspondence was written in a manner befitting Downton Abbey. Sunshine pulled the trick book on the bookcase again, causing the bookshelves to part mechanically to reveal an elevator. It took three trips for everyone to get down. Just as before, the elevator opened up in a circular room with seven hallways splitting off from it. With the hallway directly across from the elevator being 1, and the hallways numbered clockwise after that, the hallways had already been investigated by the following: [list][*]#1 - Jack was trapped in the Music Room at the end of this hallway. [*]#2 - Sunshine had gone down this hallway, only to be caught by Mister Sinister and abducted. [*]#3 - Jack and Sunshine were imprisoned in cages in Sinister's laboratory at the end of this hallway. [*]#4 - Glimpse briefly went down this hallway, yet explored no rooms. [*]#5 - Leighton, Max, and Havok spoke to the astral projection of Emma Frost in the Wardrobe Suite at the end of this hallway. [*]#6 - Callie had been trapped in the Mechanic's Garage in this hallway, only to escape by driving a car through the door. [*]#7 - Veil, Glimpse, and Callie fought Sabretooth in this hallway. [/list] The Mutant Underground was unable to learn more in their scouting mission. The missing information includes the training and sleeping quarters of the Hounds, the medical facility, and Sinister's "office." Using the information they already had, hallways #1, #5, and #6 are [i]least[/i] likely to be significant. The decor of the hallways was largely the same - stolen artwork, historical artifacts, suspended organs and limbs in glass jars... Case details are included below. You are required to make at least one response per case. If your turn is up and you have not responded within 24 hours, you will be skipped. I will be starting off the cases shortly. [hider=Alpha Team: Veil, Stretch, Moonwalker, Spark Plug, Blink][b]Who:[/b] Veil, Stretch, Moonwalker, Spark Plug [b]NPCs:[/b] Blink [b]Location:[/b] Hallway #2 [b]Goal:[/b] Free any imprisoned mutants you find and destroy Sinister's facility. If this hallway is a dead-end, move onto a new hallway after thoroughly investigating all rooms. [/hider] [hider=Beta Team: Colossus, Spirit Box, Glimpse, Caduceus, Negasonic Teenage Warhead][b]Who:[/b] Spirit Box, Glimpse, Caduceus [b]NPCs:[/b] Colossus, Negasonic Teenage Warhead [b]Location:[/b] Hallway #3 [b]Goal:[/b] Free any imprisoned mutants you find. However, the primary objective is to destroy the laboratory. If this is not done, then countless more mutants will likely be made into Hounds by Sinister. Once this is complete, screen the remaining rooms in this hallway. [/hider] [hider=Gamma Team: Sapphire, Havok, Sunshine, Magik][b]Who:[/b] Sapphire, Sunshine, [s]Feedback[/s] [b]NPCs:[/b] Havok, Magik [b]Location:[/b] Hallway #4 [b]Goal:[/b] Free any imprisoned mutants you find and destroy Sinister's facility. If this hallway is a dead-end, move onto a new hallway after thoroughly investigating all rooms. [/hider]