[hr][indent]As Nadia got comfortable in her seat, the light tapping of a fork against a champagne glass caught everyone's attention. Victoire and Lucas' father, Sebastian, stood in the middle of the room, a jubilant expression on his face. Once everyone's chatter dulled to silence, he freed his hands by placing everything down and took a look around the room. He chuckled to himself for a moment, as if he forgot something, and he gestured to her mother. The woman rose to her feet gracefully, and Nadia had to stop herself from rolling her eyes as she spotted the lovestruck expression on her face. [color=teal]"Thank you all so much for coming,"[/color] Sebastian spoke to the room as Elizabeth stood next to him. [color=teal]"It's not always easy to get the most important people all together--God knows our schedules just refuse to match--but really, this is just another sign for me that the time has come."[/color] Nadia looked at Victoire, whose expression spelled out little more than complete confusion. Well, at least she wasn't the only one wondering what the heck he was talking about. She straightened up as he continued, [color=teal]"Three years ago, I had a meeting with a client that we had arranged at a Starbucks. She informed me that she would be sitting in the closest seat to the window and would wear a hat for attention. Taking that information for granted, when I had arrived, there was a woman sitting at the spot with a hat, so I sat myself down,"[/color] He looked down at Elizabeth. [color=teal]"Do you remember what I said to you?"[/color] [color=salmon]"You said, 'I thought your hat would be fancier' with the biggest, most beautiful smile, and I burst out laughing,"[/color] She said, shaking her head. [color=salmon]"Considering you insulted my favorite sunhat, however, I informed you that you were mistaken."[/color] [color=teal]"And I insisted I wasn't. Because instead of asking for a photo of the client, I went with my gut,"[/color] He said, earning a few scattered laughs through the room. [color=teal]"We spoke for hours. I missed the appointment, but honestly, it was worth it."[/color] [color=deepskyblue]"I don't like where this is going,"[/color] Victoire muttered under her breath. [color=lightsalmon]"What? Where is this going?"[/color] Nadia quietly asked. [color=teal]"Three years later, and here we are. I decided that last night I would take Elizabeth to dinner and ask her something very important. She accepted, and going forward, we will tackle on life and all its ups and downs together."[/color] Elizabeth proudly brandished her left hand, and honestly, Nadia isn't entirely sure how she managed to miss that huge [i]rock[/i] on her left index finger--[color=lightsalmon]"Wait a minute...[/color]" Nadia blurted out, the realization slamming her as Sebastian put his arm around her mother. [color=salmon]"We'll be married in June!"[/color] She proudly announced. [i]What?![/i] Nadia's jaw dropped, shock taking over completely. Married? They were getting [i]married[/i]?! The first thing that came to mind was that she was going to drown in wedding arrangements. Bridesmaid dresses, flowers, catering, music, dancing--and of course, her mother would want her opinion for some reason. She was deaf to the celebrations until she felt Lucas pull her to her feet, a champagne glass shoved into her hand before she snapped out of it. [/indent][hr]