GM Approved~ :) [hider=☆Astraea Nova☆] [hr][CENTER][img][/img][/CENTER][hr] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][url=]☆Vibin' Out☆[/url][/center] [hr][center][img][/img][/center][hr] [color=7ea7d8][b]|[u]Name:[/u]|[/b][/color] [indent][color=7ea7d8]☆ Astraea Nova[/color][/indent] [color=6ecff6][b]|[u]Age:[/u]|[/b][/color] [indent][color=6ecff6]☆ 338 y.o. ☆ Looks 23 y.o.[/color][/indent] [color=7bcdc8][b]|[u]Date of Birth:[/u]|[/b][/color] [indent][color=7bcdc8]☆ March 12th, 1682[/color][/indent] [color=82ca9d][b]|[u]Birth Place:[/u]|[/b][/color] [indent][color=82ca9d]☆ Salem, Massachusetts[/color][/indent] [color=a2d39c][b]|[u]Gender: [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent][color=a2d39c]☆ Female[/color][/indent] [hr][center][img][/img][/center][hr] [color=c4df9b][b]|[u]Height:[/u]|[/b][/color] [indent][color=c4df9b]☆ 5'5"[/color][/indent] [color=a2d39c][b]|[u]Weight:[/u]|[/b][/color] [indent][color=a2d39c]☆ 152 Ibs[/color][/indent] [color=82ca9d][b]|[u]Hair Color:[/u]|[/b][/color] [indent][color=82ca9d]☆ Golden Blonde[/color][/indent] [color=7bcdc8][b]|[u]Hair Length:[/u]|[/b][/color] [indent][color=7bcdc8]☆ Length ends just above her hips[/color][/indent] [color=6ecff6][b]|[u]Skin Color:[/u]|[/b][/color] [indent][color=6ecff6]☆ Slight tan [/color][/indent] [color=7bcdc8][b]|[u]Eye Color:[/u]|[/b][/color] [indent][color=7bcdc8]☆ Ocean Blue [/color][/indent] [color=8493ca][b]|[u]Tattoos/Piercings:[/u]|[/b][/color] [hider=Pitures show the area tattoo/piercing is placed] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [/hider] [hr][center][img][/img][/center][hr] [color=7ea7d8][b]|[u]Sexuality:[/u]|[/b][/color] [indent][color=7ea7d8]☆ Bisexual, Polyamorous[/color][/indent] [color=6ecff6][b]|[u]Relationship Status:[/u]|[/b][/color] [indent][color=6ecff6]☆ Single[/color][/indent] [color=7ea7d8][b]|[u]Friends:[/u]|[/b][/color] [indent][color=7ea7d8]☆ None at this time.[/color][/indent] [color=8493ca][b]|[u]Siblings:[/u]|[/b][/color] [indent][color=8493ca]☆ Only child[/color][/indent] [color=8882be][b]|[u]Parents:[/u]|[/b][/color] [indent][color=8882be]☆ Deceased[/color][/indent] [color=7ea7d8][b]|[u]Pets:[/u]|[/b][/color] [indent][color=7ea7d8]☆ Jinx ☆ Black Cat ☆ Her familiar for the past few centuries[/color][/indent] [color=6ecff6][b]|[u]Open to Friends:[/u]|[/b][/color] [indent][color=6ecff6]☆ Seven[/color][/indent] [color=7bcdc8][b]|[u]Open to Romance:[/u]|[/b][/color] [indent][color=7bcdc8]☆ Seven[/color][/indent] [center][img][/img][/center] [hr][center][img][/img][/center][hr] [color=82ca9d][b]|[u]Likes:[/u]|[/b][/color] [indent][color=82ca9d]☆ Art/Music ☆ Hiking/Nature/Animals ☆ Windy Days ☆ Books ☆ Tea ☆ Tarot/Astrology ☆ Meditation/Yoga ☆ Gardening ☆ Video Games ☆ Anime ☆ Dancing under the moonlight[/color][/indent] [color=a2d39c][b]|[u]Dislikes: [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent][color=a2d39c]☆ Negativity ☆ Loud Noises ☆ Meat/Seafood ☆ Strangers ☆ Dishonesty ☆ Sports ☆ Heights ☆ Clowns/Dolls ☆ Authority Figures ☆ Bugs[/color][/indent] [color=c4df9b][b]|[u]Hobbies:[/u]|[/b][/color] [indent][color=c4df9b]☆ Painting/Sketching/Crafting ☆ Playing the Cello ☆ Divination ☆ Practicing Wicca[/color][/indent] [hr][center][img][/img][/center][hr] [indent][color=a2d39c]☆ Easygoing ☆ Compassionate ☆ Sarcastic ☆ Moody ☆ Reserved ☆ Occasionally Flirtatious ☆ Introverted at Heart ☆ Quiet (Thinks a lot) ☆ Mysterious[/color][/indent] [hr][center][img][/img][/center][hr] [color=82ca9d]Astraea came into the world during a dark time of the human race, the late 1600s. A time with no plumbing, religious zeal, and poverty. Her father Umbriel Moore worked and operated as the town Blacksmith. His main purpose was to create and forge various weaponry for the local guard. He had met and married Lucinda Merriweather. A local woman who assisted with her parents Apothocary. The family had been known to create specific medications in order to cure numerous ailments... almost as if by magic. The magic bloodline had run through her mother's side. Apothecaries were like medieval pharmacies, in a way it was the perfect cover story for the Merriwhethers to live their day-to-day lives creating and selling magic potions. For a while, the townsfolk were unaware as to the true nature of the family. A few years went by until Umbriel and Lucinda had a healthy baby girl named Astraea. Umbriel swore that he had seen the universe in his daughter's eyes and declared that she should be named after the stars they resembled. Over the years Astraea would help her mother in the Apothecary. Unbeknownst to her father, while he worked at his shop during the day Lucinda had been training her in the ways of Wicca. It wasn't until Astraea hit 23 when everything went wrong. During that time the Salem Witch Trials were at their peak. Rumors of witchcraft spread across the colony. Neighbors were turning on each other. Left and right people were being accused and hanged for barely any evidence other than "hear-say." Some accusations due to irrational fear, some to jealousy or spite. Umbriel had always been a religious man. One morning he had forgotten his lunch at home and when he had returned to retrieve it he walked in on his wife and child practicing levitation. Scared by the propaganda the priests had been spreading, he felt compelled to turn them in. While restraining Lucinda, she urged her daughter to run away and save herself. Later that afternoon Astraea watched helplessly as her mother stood, tied to a stake screaming as she was burned alive. Later that night she broke into her old home in order to collect her things. One item, in particular, was an old family heirloom, the Merriwhether Book of Shadows. A powerful tome that would later assist in evolving her magic power. With one foot out the window, she turned to see her father and a knife in his hand. Tears were in his eyes as he grabbed her. Everything happened so fast. In a blur, Astraea took the weapon in her father's hand and, in self-defense, ended his life. Horrified by what she had done, she ran away never to return to Salem again. Centuries had passed with Astraea traveling from town to town. State to state. It was hard for her to stay in one place due to the fact that she never aged. Once she had hit her mid-20s, it was as if she'd stopped growing. In 1857 she resided on the outskirts of Portland, Oregon. A town she enjoyed immensely. The thought of having to move eventually made her wince. While leading a ritual for Winter Solstice she found a little black kitten nearly dead with frostbite. After taking him in and reviving him, she immediately fell in love. It didn't take long for her to realize that he was indeed her familiar. A life-long companion. It is now 2020. With a need to move again she set her sights on a place called Ember Grove. A decent-sized town in South Carolina. On its outskirts, she found a beautiful little cottage in the thick of the forest. Privacy was essential in order to conduct the rituals specified in her family spellbook. [/color] [hr][center][img][/img][/center][hr] [color=7bcdc8]Having had to move around over the years, Astraea is new to Ember Grove. Currently, she doesn't know any of the locals and acts as a solitary witch. At this time she does not belong to a Coven.[/color] [hr][center][img][/img][/center][hr] [color=6ecff6]In her free time, Astraea has read and reread her mothers tome nearly thousands of times. Memorizing every spell and ritual within it. For almost 400 years she has done nothing but practice magic. Obsessed and intrigued with its mysticism, she felt that it was her one connection to her beloved mother. Her skill level lies more towards advanced. However, in her eyes, there is always room for improvement.[/color] [hr][center][img][/img][/center][hr] [indent][color=7bcdc8]Being at an advanced level she has memorized most, if not all, of the basic and intermediate spells. She is still working at some of the more advanced spells. Although, she is a novice when it comes to some of the more modern works. The advanced spells she has mastered are listed below: ☆ Dream Altering ☆ Heal ☆ Animal Charming ☆ Youth [/color][/indent] [hr][center][img][/img][/center][hr] [color=7ea7d8][b]|[u]Goddess of the Stars:[/u]|[/b][/color] [color=82ca9d][i]"Ego mater stellas continent."[/i][/color] [color=7ea7d8]A Latin phrase that loosly translates: [i]"I embody the mother of the stars."[/i] An ancient spell that the Merriwhethers have kept hidden since the dawn of time. A spell so powerful that it gives its caster the ability to call upon and take form of one of the many gods in existence. The strength and duration of the enchantment all depends on the skill level of the magical being using it. Not only do they have to be someone of amazing power, but they also have to have intimate knowledge of the rituals inner workings. In a way making it so it is apart of themselves. If the magical being in question is immensely powerful but has little knowledge of the steps they should take, the spell would only last a few short minutes. If at all. But if the spell is carried out perfectly, the user can become a deity for as long as their magic energy lasts. This is known to be dangerous. Due to the fact that one of the ways to kill a witch is to suck out all their magic. There are some stipulations to this as well. If the witch who calls upon the diety does so for the wrong reasons, horrible repercussions will take place. The spell would then strip the caster of their essence. Leaving them a hollow and empty shell. Their mind would not be their own. Their body would simply be used as a vessel for gods and demons alike. It had taken Astraea her entire life to study and perfect the ritual. Even after 300 years worth of attempts she still struggles to successfully cast it. Only on one occasion has she come close. On a night with clear skies and a crecent moon, Astraea knelt just outside of her log cabin. Surrounding her were multiple objects. Ingredients that had taken a lot of time and trouble to attain. Things such as unicorn hair, an elm leaf that had been dried over lightening, a lions tooth, and a few more odds and ends of that sort. Looking up she focused on the stars that littered the dark canvas above her. Shoulders back, palms face up, she began to feel the magical essance enter her being. With a deep breath, she steadied the rapid beating of her heart and began. [color=00a99d]"Ego mater stellas continent."[/color] She spoke manifesting the words into reality. Slowly, her hair melted and turned from golden blonde to a midnight blue-black. Her bronze skin paled into beautiful ivory that seemed to glitter and glow beneath the moonlight. She could feel her eyes turn a shade of violet that only compared to the hues of the cosmos. Stars littered her hair and cheeks, accenting features that seemed to sharpen to perfection. Constellations appeared across her arms, neck, and chest. It's light growing brighter and brighter. Casting a brilliant luminescence on the trees that surrounded her. In a haze, she saw and felt an indescribable and immense power. An ability that no mere mortal could put into words or even fathom. Before her eyes, much like a film reel, she saw ancient secrets of the universe come to light. Knowledge that had been too substantial to bare. Looking down she noticed a glowing white orb start to form in the middle of her right palm. A grin spread across her face as she watched what could only be a star grow bigger and bigger. She was so distracted that she didn't notice the world around her was spinning. That the spell was starting to take over her. That she was losing any and all control. As if a switch had flipped, she suddenly felt her life force draining at a rapid rate. A shocking fear took hold of her as she struggled to tear away from the ethereal shadow that clung to her. It wasn't until the very last moment that she finally freed herself from an impending demise. Panting, she lay on the forest floor, her cheek pressing into the earth. Her vision began to blur and dim before she realized that the spell she had just cast had almost destroyed her. Had almost killed her. The exhaustion overtook her and she passed out, unable to wake up for almost a week. Nevertheless, the power she had felt in that short amount of time was too incredible to ignore. Too amazing to resist. She was addicted. She was obsessed She needed to try and perfect the enchantment again.[/color] [center][img][/img][/center] [/hider]