[@Jangel13] I'm aware of this. I went through the wiki thoroughly, and you focused on only one point of the description but not the whole thing. It says that [i]most of the time[/i], in Persona games, the Emperor is given to people who struggle with a very personal matter in their life. The Emperor seeks control over their surroundings and themselves, that's true. Part of my character I left for the IC since all sheets were on the short side, so I didn't input too much info - but I think Kyoko's struggling to gain control over one strong flaw in her life is a personal enough subject to fit the emperor's description. Furthermore I kind of hinted at her family having high standards and high goals for her, also I wrote how she address everything she do with utmost focus and discipline. She is written around the fact that she is seeking to gain control over what she sees as her greatest flaw but cannot seem to fix it, and having no control over it angers her. Doesn't that make sense?