[hider=A princess returns] Kanna stood patiently at the gang-plank connecting her ship to the docks of Nyhem, the incoming winds of the ocean tugged at the fabric of her clothes and long black hair that she had tied back in a ponytail. The black haori she wore was the same one she had on when she made landfall the week before and underneath she wore a simple black hakama over a white kimono. She dressed for travel, her sense of practicality overriding any societal pressure to dress formally, and was prepared to address the issue should anyone question her judgement. To her left stood the captain of her guard, Toshiro, and to her right was Meredith, her translator. The rest of her guard were on the Storm Reaver, preparing the vessel for their long voyage back home. The trio were awaiting the arrival of a military commander whom they were told would accompany them back to Seikatsu and lead the empire’s armies against the elven invasion. The Iban woman was given a name, Inigo Orbino, and a basic description of his physical appearance once she was given the details of the finalized alliance. The rest was a mystery. “Lady Kanna”? I question came from the crowded docks. Through them approached Inigo Orbino, a tall well-built man dressed in simple yet clean clothes adorned in the De Reimer colours. He was clean shaven with short well groomed hair and approached the boat with purposeful strides “I am Inigo Orbino, a pleasure to make your acquaintance” he said with a slight bow. At the sound of her name, Kanna turned her attention to the tall Formarothian man that approached them. As Meredith translated, Kanna returned his bow, “Likewise Orbino-san. I hope we weren’t too hard to find as it seems these docks are quite popular. Do you have all your belongings in order? I don’t mean to rush you, but I very much would like to disembark and we can become acquainted on the Storm Reaver as easily as we can here. We have a long journey ahead of us.” “Of course lady Kanna, I have brought all necessary provisions with me” He said as he walked up the gang-plank followed by two servants. One was an older man with wispy white hair and sunken eyes. Despite his age he was incredibly strong carrying most of Orbino’s luggage. Following behind him was a young girl of 13 years, with long messy black hair and sharp facial features. She was carrying half that of the older man though she was still somewhat struggling under the weight. Orbino noticed this once he stepped on board and as she passed him he took one of the bags she was carrying, lightening her load. “Take my belongings below deck” he said to the elderly man who gave a nod and made his way below, followed closely by the black haired girl. “I am ready to leave when you are” He said as he turned to face Kanna, though he knew she didn’t understand what he was saying he spoke to her as he would any other noble. “The empire’s armies march to Telmarion and will depart from there. They should land three weeks after we arrive, they will be fully equipped and ready to repel the elven invaders”. Kanna had followed Orbino’s group up the plank with a stoic expression. She wouldn’t take a high ranking military commander to have a young girl in his entourage, but was pleasantly surprised none the less and hoped he treated her fairly. As they walked up, one of the crew members pulled up the wooden board that connected their vessel to dry land and rushed over to speak with her guard captain. Toshiro in turn came to whisper in her ear, “He says the tides and winds are with us, we can leave now if you desire.” “I do. Have them set sail immediately.” She instructed back to him. Their exchange happened as Orbino addressed his own people to bring his belongings below deck. Turning her attention back to her guest, Kanna appreciated that he spoke directly to her. She noticed that many found it difficult not to address Meredith in their exchanges with her and had made a mental note to have Meredith start teaching her their language while they sailed back to Seikatsu. “We are leaving port now. I hope to be home before the fighting starts, but in the event that we don’t, I am positive my people can hold until they arrive.” Kanna braced herself as the boat started into motion, free from the ropes that had bound it to the docks. “I hope you don’t mind if I watch the city pass by before we go below deck? The cathedral was quite eye-catching and I hope to see it again.” She motioned a slender pale hand towards the railing that ran along the port side of the vessel. "It truly is a sight to behold my lady. No doubt I will find equal intrigue in your homeland. I am very much looking forward to seeing your nation's capital" Inigo replied with genuine excitement but still maintaining his professionalism. "There is much beauty to be held in Shinkyo.” Kanna stated simply as she walked towards the railing. “Though spring is my favorite time of the year…” The sun was setting behind them, so the coastline was illuminated in the soft fiery glow that reflected beautifully from the white walled city as they sailed by. It would be only a few more moments until the cathedral was in view. She wondered how the stained glass windows would reflect the rays of the setting sun. “A shame I visit Seikatsu under such dire circumstances” Inigo replied “It pains me to hear how the imperium has ravaged your homeland. I dread to think what they might do to Formaroth if we fail to defeat them, rest assured we Formarotians are just as eager to drive the elves from your shores as you”. "I hope you do not take offense Orbino-san, but I doubt you have the same drive as I do. While I am sure you are eager, until you are in my position it will not be the same." Her expression darkened slightly as she gazed at the foreign shore. Her mind drifting to the impending battle ahead and the wrath she would inflict upon the invading soldiers once she joined the fray. It was then that the cathedral came into view, it's stained glass windows reflecting a symphony of colors as the last rays of the day's sun hit them. It was a sight beautiful enough to calm her emotions, at least for a time, softening her expression once more. "Regardless, I am thankful to be bringing back with me the help of able bodied soldiers and your military experience." “Of course Lady Kanna. If there is nothing else your wish of me I will head below deck to join my retainers”? Inigo said, it had been a long day getting everything ready for journey to Seikatsu and he wished to rest. She turned to face Inigo, giving the Formarothian the full weight of her gaze. “My apologies for keeping you Orbino-san, I’m sure you are in need of some rest. Would you be taking your meal in your quarters as well? I can instruct the chef to have dinner brought to you and your subordinates.” "That would be appreciated, thank you" he said with a bow, before heading below deck. Kanna returned his bow before turning to her captain, relaying instructions to have their guest's meal brought to their quarters. Releasing Meredith from her duties, the young noblewoman left the ship's railing herself to return to her own rooms and gather her thoughts. The journey ahead of her will be a long one with the high possibility to be filled with the loss of everything she holds dear. *** The last puffs of evening wind showed a distant sail standing out from the Akaiban mainland. The massive might of Sadatake Castle could be seen glowing in the final light of the day but Inigo and his men were destined to never see the Forbidden City. The little junk, bore down quickly upon them and a single Samurai could be seen standing amidships, swaying easily on the deck as the crew bustled about without disturbing him. A square banner displaying the cipher of the Shogun snapped in the wind above its lonely mast and the Storm Reaver quickly came up into the wind. Only a messenger of Ayeka himself would fly such a flag and, in these waters, his word was law. The samurai sprang to the side of the Storm Reaver as the smaller vessel came along side; hurrying up the side with all the skill of one used to long service at sea. He bowed first to the ship's Captain, and then to far more deeply to Kanna. For the Formarothian he spared a small glance and short nod. “Kana-sama. Your father sends his regards and orders you to proceed immediately to Noiba. Daichi-sama has won a great victory, but it will serve only to slow the barbarians, not halt them.” Kanna returned the samurai's bow and spoke quickly, "We shall change course immediately, but first I have something that must be brought to the castle. Are you to accompany us to the battlefield or will you be returning to my father?" “I will be returning immediately, Kanna-sama. I have no orders to join you.” The samurai glanced about him for item she had mentioned. “I have no orders to return with any item.” "I had sent word ahead of me of what I carry, but I guess it can't be helped given the circumstances..." Taking note of his questioning glance about the deck, her voice took a more stern note, "You will not find it here as it is below deck. If we are not to make landfall here then you now have orders to return to my father with an item of most importance. Have you men with you?" Kanna turned away from the man and headed towards the passageway that lead into the hull of the ship, leading the warrior to the cargo hold where a large plain wooden box awaited them amongst the supply crates. She had walked with purpose, never questioning whether or not she would be followed and placed a gentle hand upon the sanded lid. She had hoped to be able to accompany the armor herself back to the castle, but it seemed her father had other plans for her and she would dare not risk it's return. She turned to give the samurai the full weight of her gaze before speaking. "As you can see, this is no simple parcel and I doubt you could carry this by yourself." The samurai bowed at once and shouted toward the upper deck. Several other samurai immediately sprang from the small vessel and joined the two. They asked no questions as the box was carefully lifted and carried above deck. A block and tackle was quickly rigged and the box slung over the side where it filled the majority of the small vessels open deck. While it was secured the samurai turned to Kanna and spoke quietly. “The box will be delivered to your father as you command. Do you have any other messages?” Kanna thought for a moment of what else she wanted to say to the shogun, raising pale fingers to soft lips as she racked her brain. She could ask for him to wait to open the box as a family, but war was upon them and any one of them may not live to see the end of it. He might as well lay eyes on something valuable while he can. She decided on something a little more sentimental, but not overly so. “Tell my father I am sorry that I couldn’t find a stone for his garden.” she replied softly as a small smile spread across her lips, remembering the last conversation she had with him so long ago. “It will be done, Kanna-sama.” The samurai bowed deeply and then swung expertly down into the small boat that bobbed dangerously low in the water. It cast off immediately and swung toward land with and the small sail shot up as it gathered way and raced across the waves until it vanished amid the swarm of shipping that filled the harbour. After she had returned the vassal’s bow, Kanna realised that she needed to bring her guest up to speed. She assumed he had some questions about their exchange and since they are needed at Noiba, they will also have to prepare appropriately. Kanna made her way over to where Inigo and Meredith stood, mindfully out of the way of the commotion that had just occurred and offered him a slight bow, “Orbino-san, I apologize for the commotion that just occurred. I have been given orders to change course to Noiba, so we will not be making landfall in the city.” Though he didn’t show it, Inigo was disappointed. He had read much on the impressive cities Iba and Draivim with Shinkyo being the crowning jewel. According to explorers it was nearly three times the size of Nyhem and it’s architecture made even the great city of Vine pale in comparison. Though Inigo knew he such disappointment was selfish; he was here to do his duty and drive back the elven invaders, not to sightsee. “I understand lady Kanna. In which case a message will need to be sent to the troops back in Formaroth before they board so that they know of the change of plan. Do you have the means to achieve this”? What Inigo really meant was whether they had a shapeshifter who could fly far enough to reach the Formaroth from Seikatsu. Only a handful of shapeshifters in Formaroth would be able to maintain their form for such a distance and Inigo hoped that at least a few such people might also live in Akaiba. Kanna paused for a moment, understanding fully well what the foreign commander was asking for and knowing it was a resource that had to be used if they were to guarantee additional support. After nodding her head in confirmation to Inigo, Kanna turned to her guard captain. "Bring me Akihiro-san", she said softly before returning her attention to Inigo while Toshiro disappeared below deck to bring the samurai she asked for. "I hope you have a means to help your troops identify an ally quickly, as I would hate to lose Akihiro-san during our time of need." “So long as his form is of a bird native to Seikatsu I am sure my subordinates will identify him as a friend” Inigo replied. "I will have to take your word for it then. They should be returning shortly, do you have your written message?" Kanna asked. “Allow me to write it for you know” He said as he signalled to his elderly retainer who in a matter of seconds found a quill, paper and ink amongst the mountain of supplies behind him, carefully bringing them over the Inigo. During this time his younger retainer dragged over a chair for inigo, trying her best not to scrap it along the floor. Once the chair had been brought over Inigo sat down and started to write his letter on a nearby crate. The splintered wood made it difficult for Inigo to write, though despite his difficulties his handwriting was as neat as it could be. Once he had finished he handed his letter over to Kanna. “Apologies for the wait. This is addressed to my subordinate and my second in command, captain Pedro Atres” Inigo said with a smile “A headstrong and passionate man but one with a good mind for battle”. Inigo's face turn stern "Though I must warn you, it would be best to keep him away from the Blackwell forces when their own forces land, it may lead to conflict". Kanna accepted the letter and rolled it up gently with slender fingers. When the men returned, it would be placed into a secure vial that would be tied to Akihiro as he traveled. She was still apprehensive about sending him away as there were only a handful of shapeshifting madoushi in Seikatsu, but Kanna had to put her feelings aside for the best of her people. “I shall keep that in mind, thank you, though I am sure you can keep him out of trouble better than I can. These Blackwells are the ones that have caused much strife in your country, correct?” Inigio fell silent as he considered his answer “While it was Andris Mandarass and his supporters that started the war, the Blackwells have done little to help maintain the peace in Formaroth. As of now the empire has an uneasy alliance with them, though in truth I do not see it lasting. My nephew, Pedro, has more of a personal grudge against them” Inigo replied. “I see…” Kanna replied, “I apologize if I spoke out of turn as I am still learning about your history and culture. Your country is as much of a mystery to me as mine is to you.” As she offered Inigo a slight bow to accompany her apology, Toshiro had returned to the deck with Akihiro, who was dressed plainly in a black kimono and hakama. Toshiro offered her an empty glass vial and she in turn slid the written note into the container. As her guard captain sealed the letter inside the vial, Kanna approached Akihiro. “You will need to travel back to Formaroth and deliver this message to Captain Pedro Atres. It is very important that they learn the change in our plans and meet us in Noiba.” “Yes, Kanna-sama” he replied, offering her a deep bow. “Orbino-san, will your army be docked at the same port we left from? Or does Akihiro-san need to travel elsewhere?” she asked. “They will likely board at Port Marrion, a port town located off the coast of Telmarion. You will find captain Pedro there”. He replied. Akihiro bowed deeply to Kanna before taking her note and tucking it into a small pouch on his waist, then offered bow barely in keeping with proper manners to Oribino. “I hear and obey, Kanna-sama.” He stepped to the railing and several runes glowed brightly across his body before, after a few seconds, he had changed into a beautiful red tailed falcon. A minute followed as the Falcon flapped its wings, opened and closed it claws from the rail before at last launching itself into the air without a sound. In a moment it was high above the ship, riding the warm thermal winds blowing from Seikatsu. It circled once, twice, and then shot away westward toward Formaroth. [/hider] By [@TheDuncanMorgan], [@Saix], [@The Wyrm]