[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/L2u7rYx.png[/img] [h2][color=red]Akane Yurei[/color][/h2] [/center] Upon finding that the commander had called a meeting, Akane thanked her lucky stars. She might yet be able to wriggle out of a lecture. She snuck into her office and closed the door. Working fervently, she scanned through the papers that had inevitably built up on the desk and went through work emails. Most of it was routine, end-of-day stuff, though a good portion related to the two GMG attacks just today. She also took the opportunity to type up a report on her findings concerning The Dragon Queen. Edited, mind. The report had her following the GMG in a vehicle then getting spotted and attacked instead of what really happened. When she finished everything, she leaned back with satiation and stifled a yawn. A glance at the clock on her computer told her that it was nearly closing time. Strange that she hadn't heard anything yet. Not even an angry phone call to ignore. Was that meeting still going on? Yashiro did love her briefings. Welp. The longer the better for this girl, Akane decided. She locked up in record time, and was heading out the door in minutes munching a pilfered donut. She was going to go home, take a nice long bath (She was filthy!), maybe watch a movie, and plan how she was going to save the human race from extinction at the hands of the GMG. Easy. She had just gotten into her car and buckled herself in when Ride of the Valkyries began blaring full blast. With a muttered curse in Japanese, she rummaged through her pockets and answered her phone. [color=ed1c24]"Moshi Moshi."[/color] "Agent Yurei." The MFF operator said bluntly. "Another GMG has appeared. Codename Goomie. We are sending you the details now, including its current location and a live feed. All available MFF forces are to mobilize. We are shorthanded, so you are also being sent to the front lines. Your mission is to provide information and organization and support and assist in the evacuation of the area." [color=ed1c24]"Copy. I'm on my way."[/color] She said, then hung up. As soon as she did, she let out another unlady-like curse and tossed the phone into the passenger seat. [color=ed1c24]"Argh!"[/color] She yelled, tousling her hair in frustration. That bath was going to have to wait. Three GMGs in one day! What on earth was going on? [color=ed1c24]"No rest for the wicked."[/color] She muttered, turning over the key, whipping out of the parking space and tearing off in the direction of the latest disturbance.